06 September 2024

Atwood Newsletter 6th September 2024

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a restful summer and feel refreshed and ready for the new academic year.  It has been lovely to see the children back in school this week as we look forward to the year ahead.  Just a brief newsletter this week, given the recent return.

The children have all settled well into their new classes and impressed the teachers with their focus and intent in the first few days. Over the coming weeks, teachers will be posting information to Google classroom and sending out newsletters to let you know what your children will be studying in the term ahead and in Key Stage One we will be offering curriculum meetings where you can come in and hear more about the year ahead and how you can help your child at home.  We will also be updating the long term planning on the website with any minor changes for this year.  However, if you have any questions in the meantime, please ask your child’s teacher.


This year we are looking to reinstate class assemblies.  These will offer parents the opportunity to come in and watch their children talk about what they have been learning in school. We will be kicking off with Year 6 this term and other classes will follow throughout the year.  We will endeavour to give you plenty of notice so that you can get the date in the diary.  We look forward to welcoming you to school in due course.


There was considerable excitement on the playground when the children returned as they noticed our new installation. We were delighted to complete the works through the summer so that the climbing frame is ready for the new term.  This new piece of equipment was paid for by FOAP with the ground works being funded by the Trust and it will serve the children in our school for years to come. Many thanks to FOAP for funding this project and to everyone who contributed by turning up and supporting, fairs, the firework display or many other fundraising events. This week the children have all been having a turn and establishing how we can take turns and all play safely. Please can I remind parents that the play equipment is not supervised before or after school and children should not use it.  Should you wish to allow your child to use the equipment, you are responsible for their safety.

And finally…

It is with considerable pleasure that, on behalf of the family, I am able to invite you to Theo’s Family Fun Day on Saturday 14th September.  As many of you will be aware, one of our pupils, has been receiving cancer treatment for the past three and half years.  His treatment will finish next week and the family are holding a family fun day to raise money for the children’s oncology department at East Surrey Hospital.  They would love to see as many Atwood faces as possible.  For details please see the attached poster.


Just a few dates to get started but we will send a more comprehensive list next week.

Friday 20th September:  Jeans for Genes Day (Wear denim to support this charity)

Monday 23rd September:  Year 3 Trip to Crystal Palace Park

Monday 23rd September:  Year 6 Residential to Stubbers.

Friday 8th November: Magenta Class assembly

Friday15th November: Cyan Class assembly

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Published on 6th September, 2024

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