15 May 2024

ATW – Year 1 Visit to the Horniman Museum

Last Friday, Year 1 visited the Horniman Museum and we had lots of fun.  Throughout the day, we took part in many activities and we learnt many new and exciting facts about Africa.  During the day we had an African workshop, where a lady from the Museum told us many facts about different countries in Africa.  After the talk, we visited a number of work stations, where we could explore African artefacts (clothes, jewellery, toys, animal skeletons).  As part of our science learning, we looked at the flowers outside and we even had time to look at the animals.  Did you know you can see some of London from the Horniman Museum?  Inside the Museum, we continued to look at a variety of African artefacts and musical instruments.  We had a great time playing with some of the instruments too.  It was a brilliant day and on the way home we talked about our favourite activities from the trip.

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Published on 15th May, 2024

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