28 January 2024

ATW – Toy Workshop

On Tuesday, Year 1 had a brilliant morning discovering new and exciting facts about toys from the past.  The session was hosted by Mrs Jenkins and started with us travelling back in time to find out what life was like for people in the past.  Did you know that households used a washing board, and washing tongs to wash their clothes?  It must have been hard work!  We found out that in the past, people wore different clothes to us now and the dolls children played with also wore this type of clothing.  Throughout the morning, Mrs Jenkins shared many old and new toys, and showed us how they worked.  Year 1 also compared the size of the toys, and discussed the materials the toys were made from.  This linked with our science topic of ‘Materials’.  The children also did a ‘mini’ investigation, and they predicted which spinning top would stop first.  We enjoyed handling the toys and exploring how to play with them.  Many of the toys, we had never seen before!  It was a really fun session and we would like to thank Mrs Jenkins for an enjoyable morning.

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Published on 28th January, 2024

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