Wow! what a sight for the eyes. Brigstock’s museum looked spectacular!
Before the bustling crowds arrived this morning, I was able to go on my very own tour. Each zone of the museum displayed the amazing work from each class.
In Willow Class- the children created their very own monsters out of cardboard and clay. They also displayed their wonderful descriptive writing on a wanted poster.
In Rowan Class- the children have been learning about toys and used their knowledge to create their own toys using junk modelling. We had guitars, aeroplanes and robots!
In Ash Class- we rolled back to the Tudor times. The parents and children made Tudor houses and enjoyed a banquet with Henry VIII.
In Elm Class- the children came dressed to school as Victorians. They discovered how strict school was in that period of history and got to taste gruel for breakfast.
In Sycamore Class- we were met by the Romans. The children displayed their beautiful shields and mosaics.
In Chestnut Class- We had The Vikings. Shields decorated the corridor along with gold painted dragon heads. We even have our very own Viking warrior ‘Sven’ ready to greet the visitors of the museum.
In Oak Class- The Egyptians came alive. Death masks, Canopic Jars, Pyramids and Shadufs were some of the wonderful things that had been produced by the children.
Thank you to all of the parents/carers that were able to come and visit the museum and look at the lovely work produced by the children. They have all worked so hard during their Thematic lessons to ensure that museum day really came alive. Well done to the children and staff.