18 October 2024

We are happy and we know it in Gold class!

This week we have been singing the song ‘If you’re happy and you know it.’ We have been talking about different emotions and what makes us happy.  To compliment the story ‘Owl Babies’ which we shared at the beginning of term, we had some very special visitors on Tuesday. The lovely guys at Kent Owl Academy bought along 3 owls and a hawk for us to see. We learned all about what owls like to eat, where they live and we even got to watch one of the owls fly across the classroom!

In maths we have been learning all about the number 5 and have been recapping numbers 1-4. It’s so lovely to see how the children have made lots of new friendships over the last 7 weeks and are playing together so nicely. We hope you all enjoy your half term break and will see you 30th October.

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Published on 18th October, 2024

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