12 June 2023
Atwood children past and present raise funds
Atwood continues to raise funds for diabetes research This weekend saw Atwood pupils past, present and future come together with their families in aid of JDRF.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Atwood continues to raise funds for diabetes research This weekend saw Atwood pupils past, present and future come together with their families in aid of JDRF.
All of the children in our nursery and reception classes had wonderful sports days.
All of the children in year one and year two had great fun on their individual sports days, even though the sun failed to arrive!
Toby (Year 6) performs well in Tennis Tournament On Thursday 4th May, Toby, who is in Year 6, represented Atwood as a prestigious tennis tournament.
The Boys’ Football Team played Gresham on St Patrick’s Day. This was a stunning away match, but it is fair to say that Atwood struggled against a stronger Gresham side.
Atwood Performs well at Swimming Gala Mrs Bayliss takes up the story: ‘Izzy Stone and Eloise Rockhold swam in the finals of the Croydon Schools’ Swimming Gala on Friday 24th March.
Atwood Cross Country Runners Perform Well Mrs Bayliss reports …. ‘Congratulations to all runners in the third, and final, SLH Cross Country competition at Woodcote on Saturday 18th March.
Atwood Leading the Way in Digital Tech Atwood is lucky enough to have its own radio station called Lion Radio.
All of our children and staff enjoyed stretching, breathing and meditating in their Yoga lessons last Friday, delivered by an instructor from ’Children’s Yoga Tree’.
Thrilling girls’ football match against Robert Fitzroy Here is the match report written by some members of the girls’ football team.
Strong ATW Performance at last weekend’s Cross Country Event Mrs Bayliss have given up some of her Saturday mornings to take the Cross Country athletes from Atwood to their fixtures.
Croydon’s Swimming Gala The following five Atwood children were selected for the recent swimming gala: Eloise, Nathan, Joseph, George and Izzy which took place at the Trinity swimming pool.Eloise
To celebrate this year’s World Book Day, Year 4 at EPS played a few games of their own version of Harry Potter’s favourite game, quidditch, this afternoon.
Mr Veale’s welcome We have made it through January. At the time of writing, the intensity of the sunlight is getting brighter and stronger, as the Sun appears to climb higher in the sky.
Mr Veale’s welcome No sooner than I have put my finishing touches on last week’s newsletter than it’s time to write the next one.