This week at the Lower School, we have finished learning about empathy. The children were able to explain how they can help someone who is struggling by showing empathy. They can do this by remaining calm, not getting annoyed with the person, and understanding the emotions they are feeling. The children learnt that this is like being in a maze, where you cannot see over the wall, and it is hard to find a way out. We have been focusing on helping others by showing empathy this week.
During assembly on Monday, Cypress Upper reflected on the significance of Ramadan and the power of sacrifice for others. They were introduced to the story Zara’s Blessing, which follows a young girl named Zahra. Zahra, eagerly awaiting the arrival of a longed-for sister, prays for a blessing during Ramadan. However, when her beloved teddy bear goes missing, Zahra struggles with the feelings of loss that follow. As she volunteers with her mother at a shelter for asylum seekers, Zahra befriends a displaced child and begins to understand the true meaning of giving and gratitude. Through her act of kindness, Zahra discovers an unexpected blessing, learning the value of sacrifice and empathy during this Islamic holy month. Children reflected on sacrifice and thought about a time when they may have given something up for the benefit of another.
Parents’ Evening at the Upper and Lower Schools
Next week, we will be hosting Parents’ Evening at both the Upper and Lower Schools, giving you the chance to meet with your child’s teachers and discuss their progress so far this academic year. This is a great opportunity to stay updated on how your child is doing and how we can work together to continue to support their development. If you haven’t received a letter about the event yet, please contact your child’s teacher for an appointment. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
Turquoise Class Visit London
On Tuesday, Turquoise Class visited London. This included visiting the rooftop ‘Garden at 120’ where they could see many of the landmarks that London is famous for. This visit will support the children’s learning in both English and thematic and we look forward to seeing the completed work. Thanks to all the parents and carers who were able to help on this trip. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Indigo Class Assembly
On Thursday, Indigo Class had their first class assembly. We enjoyed hearing their poem, as well as their work, inspired by the poem ‘The Sound Collector.’ Thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to join this. To see more about this assembly, read our article here
Rowan Class Assembly
Rowan Class took their peers on a journey through time in their assembly today, showcasing their learning on the Romans and the lasting impact of this ancient civilisation. The students shared fascinating insights into Roman achievements, from the development of roads and aqueducts to the influence on modern language and architecture. With enthusiasm, they highlighted the impressive inventions and ideas the Romans gave the world, all while tying it to a deeper message about gratitude. The children reflected on the things they are thankful for in their own lives, finishing the assembly with a heartfelt performance of the song “Thankful”, celebrating the joy of appreciating the little things. A big thank you to Ms. Marshall and Ms. Brooks for supporting the children to deliver their wonderful assembly today!
Cypress Book Fair
Thank you to all our families who came along and supported our Book Fair. As as a result of the £3000 sales, the school now has a grand total of £1844 to spend across the sites. This is the most we have ever raised. We are very fortunate to have such a supportive community at Cypress.
Cypress Superstars
Well done to Holliday and Ivy in Orange Class who came to visit Miss Chapman with some amazing independent writing. They had made their own books and Miss Chapman really enjoyed them. We are so proud of you. Jacob from Larch Class has truly impressed with his remarkable setting description in his reimagining of Macbeth, showing a keen eye for detail and a flair for storytelling. Meanwhile, James, Harish, and Nyla from Holly Class have showcased their creativity with some stunning cave paintings linked to their work on the Stone Age – a brilliant combination of history and art. Karter in Hazel Class has also stood out, crafting a well-structured and persuasive email to Claire, a character in the Year 5 English text Robot Girl, who is on the brink of making a potentially disastrous decision! James from Hazel Class has crafted a brilliant musket out of cardboard and tubing as part of his homework related to the current Year 5 thematic topic, Crime and Punishment. His model is a 17th or 18th-century matchlock musket, complete with all the essential details like the ramrod and trigger mechanism, and he explained to me how soldiers would load and fire it. Well done, James!
Comic Relief @ Cypress
Red noses are now available for sale at the Upper School office during the mornings, break, and at the end of the day. We have around 30 left, so make sure to grab yours before they are all gone. Once they are sold out, that’s it – so don’t miss out on your chance to grab one! We’ll also be celebrating Comic Relief with a non-uniform day on Friday 21st March, with the theme of celebration. Children are encouraged to wear something colourful and vibrant to school for a £1 donation to Comic Relief. A big thank you to Mr Shipley for organising the sale of red noses and our cake sale on 28th March in support of this fantastic cause!
We wish all our children and families an enjoyable weekend.
Ms Binks, Mrs Carpenter and the Cypress Team