12 July 2024

Atwood Newsletter 12th July 2024

With a week to go, it seems that each week we are packing in more and more stuff.  In Reception and Nursery, it has been as busy as ever.

Reception news link:


Nursery news link:


In Year 1 this week the children have been making pancakes.  Having read the book ‘Mama Panya’s Pancakes, the children used their measuring skills to prepare the ingredients and wrote the instructions in recipe form.  They then used their DT skills in the cooking room to produce some delicious results.

This week Year 2 had a pirate day as they have been looking at the text ‘Captain Sparklebeard’, and they will be writing their own instructions to find the hidden treasure. The children have also been fortunate to have so many parents coming in to help them with sewing their puppets. The children are looking forward to decorating them next week! The children have also been finishing off our unit in Maths on position and direction.

in Year 3, the children have been making Stone Age houses with clay.  The children thought carefully about their design before moulding the clay and then making a thatched roof using sticks.  They have also been

In Year 4, the children have written a powerfully persuasive letter to the King.  Based on the book ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’, they have written in role and used emotive language to ask the King to intervene on behalf of their friend Ahmet.  Can the King please help to find his parents?  The children have also been observing the changes to their egg that was left in various liquids for a week.  The results of the egg in milk and the egg in vinegar were particularly unpleasant.

In Year 5, the children have been using their design and technology skills to build bridges following their own designs. Using various bits of wood, hinges, cardboard, saws and lots of glue the end results are impressively sturdy.

In Year 6, the children have been busy this week creating their own mythical creatures for their own myths.  They have conjured all sorts of bizarre animals from their imagination.  Many of the children have also been polishing their cycling skills as part of their Bikeability training.  The children have also been practising for their end of term celebrations.


On Monday, Atwood hosted a six team seven a side football tournament for local schools.  Atwood entered two teams against teams from Courtwood, Whitehorse Juniors, Applegarth and Byron.  All the teams played round robin matches with two teams progressing to the final.  One of the Atwood teams made it to the final against Courtwood.  Atwood went ahead with an early goal but were pegged back to 1-1 in the closing stages meaning a penalty shoot out to decide the winners. After Nathan’s early saves, Courtney and Kai scored for Atwood to run out winners.  More importantly, the whole tournament was played in really good spirits with everyone enjoying the day and the opportunity to play against children from other schools.  Thank you to SAS and Mrs Christopher for putting the tournament together.


Your child should bring home their end of year report today.  This also includes details of which classes will be with which teachers next year.  As we approach the end of the year, please be aware that we will no longer routinely be sending the children’s exercise books home.  In an effort to be more environmentally conscious, any incomplete exercise books will progress with your child up the school so that they can continue to be used next year.  Any completed exercise books will be recycled.  If you would like your child’s completed exercise books to be sent home, please contact the class teacher.


Thank you to everyone who supported Thursday’s Fundraising event.  It was a huge success and lovely to see so many people attend.  There was a lot of hard work by volunteers and the school council to run the event and they deserve a huge amount of credit.  Thanks especially to Miss Carlucci for launching the idea and making it happen at the time of writing the event and mufti day has raised an incredible £2126.  This will go to support the valuable work of our two selected charities Children with Cancer UK and the AT Society. Thank you once again.


This week, selected year 6 children have been learning to ride their bikes safely on the roads.  The children starting off honing their skills in the playground before heading out on to the local streets towards the end of the week.  The ability to ride a bike confidently on the roads is such important skill that will benefit the children all through their lives.  We all know that cycling helps you to keep fit and is a sustainable way to travel so we wish the children years of happy, safe cycling ahead.

And finally

If you are planning on buying new school shoes for the return in September, please remember that shoes should be completely black.  Although black trainers are acceptable, they must have no coloured logos, soles or markings.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Please check because new dates are being added below

  • Monday 15th July: Year 3 Trip to RHS Wisley
  • Wednesday 17th July: Rocksteady Concert
  • Thursday 18th July: Year 6 Leavers’ event
  • Friday 19th July: Last day of term School finishes at the normal time of 3.15pm.
  • Wednesday 4th September: First day of autumn term.

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Published on 12th July, 2024

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