10 November 2023

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow, between the crosses, row on row…

We held our Remembrance Day service at WHJUN today in front of our school. During the service, children from Yr6 read poems, while crosses and a wreath of poppies were laid at the memorial by children from other year groups.  Staff and children joined the choir to sing hymns. During the 2 minute silence, observed beautifully by the children, we had a chance to reflect on those who had given their lives in war as well as those who are still serving their countries in the armed forces.  Father Sean closed this special occasion with a prayer.

This week, all children have been learning about Remembrance Day through stories and art activities. Each child has made an individual paper poppy  and we have used these to create a wonderful sea of poppies cascading down the central staircase of our school.

Thank you to the children from Ecclesbourne Primary School for joining us.

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Published on 10th November, 2023

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