13 June 2024

Beulah – Nursery and Reception Sports Day Fun!

All of the children in our nursery and reception classes had wonderful sports days today.  Although the sun did not appear, we were very happy that the rain stayed away!   Gold class showed great concentration when they carefully carried the water to fill their buckets and the reception children showed great perseverance in the sack race – all determined to reach the finishing line! Everyone demonstrated excellent balancing skills in the egg and spoon races although we did see a little sly egg holding, even in the parents’ egg and spoon race!  There was great team effort in all of the events and everyone had a wondeful time.   A big thank you to all of the staff for organising the events and to our many parents/carers who joined us to cheer the children on –  I am very glad that you all survived the very competitive egg and spoon parent races!


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Published on 13th June, 2024

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