17 June 2022

EPS Year 4 Pupils Bringing Geography To Life

Did you know that almost all of the curriculum can be taught outside?  Throughout the year EPS children conduct science experiments,  discuss stories related to living outside,  explore habitats and apply their mathematical knowledge,  all within the school grounds.  As part of the EPS Outdoor Learning Curriculum, Year 4 pupils were recently set a challenge to represent a printed map.    First, they discussed and sorted the landscape into two groups.  They identified lots of natural features – waterfalls, rivers, lakes, hills, woodland, caves and valleys.  Then they compared them to the man made features – fencing, quarries, mines, farm buildings and pylons.  They split into groups to re create the landscapes,  using natural materials and positioned the features to mirror the map.  The children used string as a measuring device to help reflect the scale of the map.  They certainly brought geography to life.

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Published on 17th June, 2022

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