10 June 2024

EPS- Reception get a visit from ZooLab

Today, Rockets and Stars classes had a very exciting visit from ZooLab.  Expert Ranger Jack brought along a range of exotic critters for the children to see and learn about.  Both classes met a Madagascan hissing cockroach, a giant African land snail, a tarantula, a snake and tree frog.  We were lucky enough to get to hold some of these animal in our hands or stroke them gently.  Some of the animals were very fragile so we observed them carefully.  All of the children were incredibly sensible and careful when handling the animals and made excellent rangers for the day. The children learnt lots about the habitats that these critters can be found in too.  What a great experience to bring to life Reception’s Beastly Beasties topic!

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Published on 10th June, 2024

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