15 April 2024

EPS – FOBBS competition results are in!

At the end of the spring term children were invited to take part in a competition to celebrate the launch of the Figures of Black British Society (FOBBS) app. We are very lucky as a school to have a full subscription to this app, and our school council played a vital role in helping to test the app during its development phase.

To enter the competition, children were tasked with using the FOBBS app to present information on a Black British figure of their choice. Kayleigh, the creator of the app, kindly donated prizes for the winners. Ms Baldry also donated some books that were signed by the authors and illustrators – ‘Bright Stars of Black British History’ and ‘Our World My Roots – Jamaica’.

We had so many wonderful entries it was impossible to choose only two winners. Therefore, we also awarded a number of children as ‘highly commended’ in recognition of their fantastic efforts. The final results are:
Joint winners – Mia and Ameera
Highly commended – Asman, Cienna, Makanaka and Navitha

If your child has not yet downloaded the FOBBS app, please see attached documents for more information on how to do so. Their login which gives them full access to all the resources on the app, should be in their reading diary. Please speak to the class teacher if you cannot find it.

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Published on 15th April, 2024

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