23 May 2024

EPS Creative Wellbeing Through Art

Over the past term, a number of our KS2 children have been taking part in an amazing Creative Wellbeing Project.  Claire Chandler a local artist from Carshalton has been working with our children on a weekly basis.  The children have been getting outdoors and taking part in wellbeing art sessions.  The sessions have been focused on developing their drawing and sketching skills whilst being out in nature.  Art is medically proven to reduce stress and anxiety.  It encourages children to think creative as well as boosting their self esteem and well being.  The programme sadly came to an end this week however the children along with Claire’s help have created a brilliant display to showcase their work. Take a look at the photos below!

In recognition of their fantastic work, all children who took part in the programme will be receiving their Croydon Visual Arts Star certificate.

We would like to thank Croydon Music and Arts for the opportunity to take part in the programme and Claire Chandler for an incredible 10 weeks.  The children have loved their sessions and have produced amazing artwork.

Image Gallery

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Published on 23rd May, 2024

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