27 June 2024

EPS – Booknic success

There is nothing better than spending time with your friends and family, reading a good book and enjoying a snack.  Put all three together and what do you get – a booknic! This week, we held three very successful Booknics for the children and their families at Ecclesbourne.  Children and families laid out their blankets in the beautiful sunshine, tucked into tasty snacks and read books.  It was great to see so many of our families join us and take the time to build memories of reading with their children.  During the Booknic,  children were invited to choose a book to take home to keep.  These books were sent to us by the wonderful Children’s Book Project, a charity we have been working with this year who have sent us many brilliant books for our children. Thank you to everyone who attended.

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Published on 27th June, 2024

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