Things are beginning to look and feel a little festive at Cypress this week. The sounds of children singing and rehearsing for their upcoming Christmas performances have been spreading joy and happiness throughout the school. Even Seve, the Cypress Superdog, has been sporting a festive headband.
Advent Assembly
On Monday at the Upper, we started the week with an assembly on Advent. We discussed the story of Advent and why we have Advent calendars and candles. We shared the different ways that we celebrate Advent. On Thursday, we started the day at the Lower School with a fantastic assembly from Ruby Class all about Advent. We learnt about the history of advent, the signifance of each of the candles on the advent wreath, Christingles and how Advent is celebrated in different countries. The children were so confident. We were impressed with their confidence in speaking in front of an audience, their teamwork and fabulous singing and dance moves. Well done Ruby Class we are really proud of you. Thank you to all the parents and carers, who were able to join us, for all the support and encouragement you gave the children, We would also like to take a moment to thank Miss Eliis and Ms Mitchell for all your hard work preparing the children.
Beech Class Assembly
This morning we were wowed by Beech class, who delivered a wonderful assembly
Oak Class assembly
Last week, we were treated to an assembly with the theme of change by Oak Class. ‘Britain’s Next Best Act’ gameshow was in full swing as they voted and critiqued the speeches of famous figures in history that they had researched and rewritten. Three judges sat and gave feedback – it was wonderful to hear the confidence in their voices as they delivered their impassioned speeches. The message we distilled from this was that we are all capable of creating change, within oursleves and in the world around us. The power of oracy and confidence – using your voice to share your beliefs is key. Well done to Oak Class, Miss Patel and Ms Wright for such an engaging assembly.
Christmas Hoops
At the Lower School, each class has been busy making their Chrismtmas Hoop which is now hung in our hall as decoration ready for the PTFA Winter Fair this Friday. At the Upper School, the Christmas hoops will be hung today! The hoops will remain in the hall until the last day of term so if you are joining us for one of our Nativity or Christms singing performances you will be able to see them then.
Viking Day
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed Viking Day which was packed with exciting activities and new learning experiences. The day was fun and engaging – children took on roles to act out scenes from Viking mythology and had the opportunity to cook a simple Viking soup using seasonal ingredients. Children also enjoyed sketching Viking artefacts! Click the link to see the news story!
Road Safety Week
Last week at the Upper School, we enjoyed Road Safety Week. We had a very engaging assembly with Ms Fernandes and the House Captains, which kicked off a week of activities around staying safe whilst travelling, particularly now the afternoons and evenings are so much darker. Thank you to Ms Fernandes for organising the week and well done to our Road Safety competition winners, who won a prize for their colourful and informative posters! Please see the names of the competition winners below!
Cypress Superstars
Well to Robin in Orange Class who came to show his amazing picture he had created using shapes. He had followed the plan carefully and produced an accurate image of a steam train. Congratulations to Noel in Ruby Class who shared his brilliant geograpy work about the continents. He had then challenged himself by choosing a continent and researching about the countries and capital cities within it. Noel was able to explain how he had used an atlas to help him. Well done to Ariyanna in Orange Class who came to show her amazing writing. She had used her knowledge of sounds and her segmenting fingers to help her produce some lovely writing about ‘My Granny went to Market’
Maya in Y3 Birch class came to see me with a wonderful recount of a chapter of the famous Fantastic Mr Fox. She used well-chosen adjectives to create strong imagery and her characterisation of the farmers was impressive. Click here to listen!
Lucy in Beech came to see me with a write up of an experiment she was about to undertake – her teacher was particularly impressed with the thought she had put into the write up to ensure clarity for the reader. Well done, Lucy – it’s great to see you showing awareness of the reader and showcasing your knowledge. George in Birch Class came to see me to show me the most amazing model he had made of a steam train linked to his current thematic learning on the Victorians. It took a while to make and it shows! It was well constructed and the attention to detail was impressive. Well done, George. Aiyla in Holly Class has been busy making posters encouraging kindness. What a great message to spread! If you come into school, you might see one of Aiyla’s posters on the walls around the school! Keep spreading positivity, Aiyla! Robin in Larch Class has been working hard to complete a narrative based on the Year 6 text, The Watchtower. He has varied his sentence structures for effect, created strong imagery with well-chosen word choices and used speech to advance the action within the narrative. Well done, Robin!
UKHSA Advice for Parents
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is reminding parents of the simple steps they can take to reduce the spread of stomach bugs and winter illnesses. Click this link to read more
We wish all our children and families a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Mrs Carpenter, Ms Binks and the Cypress Team