24 May 2024
CYP: We are Team Players
The final week before half term has been very busy with lots of exciting things happening in school.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
The final week before half term has been very busy with lots of exciting things happening in school.
We had an incredible Science Week filled with exciting investigations across all year groups.
Today has been a very exciting day for the Lower School School Council as they have been able to see the impact of their leadership and suggestions.
At the Lower School, we have been focusing on showing pride in ourselves and others.
Oliver’s Vegetables We have been remembering all the vegetables mentioned in the story: ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ and we have really enjoyed printing repeating patterns with them.
Year 3 had the fantastic opportunity to visit South Norwood library!
It has been a very sunny week at Cypress and the children have been loving being outdoors.
Sun’s out! What a change in the weather we have experienced this week!
During their visit to the Science Museum, Year 5 students had an unforgettable experience.
We have had a very busy week at Cypress! The children have been working hard and made good progress in their learning.
Growing, growing, all the time… We have observed a fabulous week’s worth of growth of the peas we planted last week.
Monday 22nd April was Earth Day and the Eco -Squad had a very important message to share!
Jack and the Beanstalk What a fabulous two weeks we have had back at school in Little Cypress!
This week, Year 3 had their Thematic lesson in the most exciting way possible!
Our Pegasus camping trip is fast approaching and the children are really excited for the adventure ahead!