At the Lower School this week we had some class workshops led by London Air Ambulance where we learnt about the important work they do. They are currently raising funds to replace some of their helicopters, so please click here to support their Up Against Time appeal. Thank you to Rhiannon and Annie (Lenka’s mum!) for leading such interesting sessions for our children.
At the Upper School we have been thinking about ‘stickability’. We talked about the concept of the ‘learning pit’ and considered how it feels when we learn something new. We know that feeling challenged isn’t always a comfortable feeling, but we also know that pushing through and showing ‘stickability’ can bring us to a place of success! Well done to all of the children who persevered with the maths problem – the reward is the feeling of achievement once you have a new skill or understanding. Check out the gallery and see some of faces of some of our tenacious students who solved the challenge.
Recognition boards
In line with our new behaviour policy, each classroom has a ‘recognition board’ where we celebrate children’s successes and achievements. Each week, we (Mrs Sorensen and Mrs Carpenter) also have children coming to us to share their work and achievements and we love sharing this in our weekly news story.
At the Lower School, we were really pleased to see some budding poets sharing their work, after being inspired by ‘National Poetry Day’. Well done to Elliot and Oscar for their beautifully written poems! Mahbubat, Max and Omir have been working hard in Literacy this week, using adjectives to describe their hats and using their imagination to write about where their beds might take them on adventures when they’re dreaming. David in Green class has been been ordering numbers in maths, sorting from fewest to most. Zackary and Dejhonte have been using their sounds in writing this week, to write how the bear feels in the story ‘I want my hat back’ by Jon Klassen.
Please click here to hear Violet class performing the poem. ‘ The Owl and the Pussycat’. Well done Violet class!
At the Upper School, Year 6 Jess, Raul, Ben, Gabby, Eira, Clara and Lexie came to see me. For National Poetry Day, they had been working on performance of poetry and read the very cleverly written poem ‘Refugees’ by Brian Bilston. It is a poem which reminds the reader/listener to be greater than their preconceptions, look beyond stereotypes and to think twice before making unfair judgements about the less fortunate. To understand the true beauty of the poem, a person literally needs to process and read it twice. First from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top. Well done – I very much enjoyed your performance. Here it is again for all to hear. Please click below.
I was also visited by Kayhan and Freya in Willow class Y5. They were showing me their amazing Spanish skills. They are in a doctor’s surgery. Click the link below to hear the conversation. Well done! What fantastic Spanish conversational skills!
Audio PlayerUpper School Eco-squad Appointed!
Last week, we advertised for Cypress Upper Eco-Committee members. Children who felt they had the skills to undertake the role were invited to apply. We are now very proud to announce the names of our Eco-Squad for 2023-4! The children will be working with Miss Wadham-Powell creating an action plan to help Cypress to become a ‘greener’ school.
Birch class: Dylan | Beech class: Lexie | |
Cedar class: Alex | Larch class: Maggie | |
Holly class: Louis | Oak class: Leah | |
Hawthorn class: Emilia | Sycamore class: Benjamin | |
Lime class: Sincere | Hazel class: Penny | |
Rowan Class: Beatrix | Willow class: Elliot | |
Lower School Eco Council
In assembly today, Mrs Dutton and Miss Ellis told the children all about our new Eco Council. Children in Year 1 and Year 2 will come home with a letter today and if they want to stand for election, they must complete their manifesto and hand into their class teacher by next Thursday 12th October. Children will then vote democratically for their class representatives and the new Eco Council will be announced next Friday in assembly. Good luck!
MacMillan coffee morning
Thank you for your generous donations! We raised an amazing total of £681.08! We were overwhelmed with everyone’s contributions and donations this year. Special thanks to Mrs Prideaux, Ms Stirling, Miss Chapman, Miss Hunt and our House Captains for their hard work.
Curriculum meetings
If you missed the Year 6 curriculum meeting this week, please see here for resources to help your child this year.
Please click here for the resources from the Little Cypress, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 curriculum meetings. If you have any questions then please ask your child’s class teacher.
Parents’ Evening
If you have not already done so, please arrange a Parents’ Evening appointment with your child’s class teacher. At the Lower School, your child’s work will be available in the school hall if they are in Year 1 or Year 2. We look forward to welcoming Parents and Carers into school to talk about their child’s progress.
Harvest collections
We are collecting Harvest donations in both school offices and our displays are building by the day! If you can, please add some extra non-perishable food items on your shopping list this weekend and drop these into school next week. All donations will be sent to The Salvation Army at the end of this half term.
SEND Coffee Morning
Our first Coffee Morning for Parents and Carers of children with SEND will take place next Thursday 12th October from 9am in the Lower School Community room. We’d love to see as many of you as possible and all are welcome to attend.
Makaton sign of the week
This week at the Lower School we have been learning the sign ‘cow’. Ask your child to show you, or click here.
We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Sorensen and the Cypress team