03 May 2024

Cypress – Making leaps in learning

We have had a very busy week at Cypress! The children have been working hard and made good progress in their learning.  We are really proud of their resilience and achievements.

At the Lower School, we have been thinking about showing pride in our learning and completing the best work we can.  The children have really excelled in this skill and we have seen some amazing work that they have produced both at home and at school. At the Upper School we have been celebrating our differences, particularly how we see the world, solve problems and the value the various talents we all have. We learnt about Dr Maggie Pocock, the amazing space scientist, who has Dyslexia and uses it to not only think ‘outside of the box, but outside of the planet!’. Daniel Radcliffe, the Harry Potter actor, has Dyspraxia. It has helped him become more imaginative in problem solving. Greta Thumberg who has Autism, who solves problems with ease, finds it easy to digest lots of information and is very honest about how she feels! We understand that no two minds are the same here at Cypress and that’s what makes us special! We are so proud to have such creative, talented and diverse learning community here at Cypress!

Bikeability at the Upper School

This week, some year 3 and year 4 children took part in a Bikeability level 1 course. Instructors, Maeve and Helen, supported the children in developing their cycle handling skills, to a competent and consistent level. Meeve and Helen taught us how to glide smoothly and calmly, control our bikes, pedal and to always be aware of our surroundings! Special thanks to Ms Fernandes for organising our Year 3 and 4 Bikeability event.

Reading Pyjama Prizes

On Monday, Indigo and Turquoise classes had their pyjama party reward for winning the Reading Tree prize for the spring term.  The children enjoyed reading and talking about their favourite books.  They then enjoyed a popcorn and squash treat in their pyjamas whilst watching a film.  Well done on reading consistently last term.

Cypress Superstars

We have had a lot of visitors coming to the office to show their work this week.  There has been so much achievement to celebrate. Congratulations to Gracie and Mahbubat in Blue Class who came to show their poetry plans.  They had used adjectives to effectively describe the actions of a lion.  Well done to Geneva, Ophelia and Margot in Orange Class who came to show their retellings of the ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’.  They had used some great descriptive language in their writing.  I think we have some famous authors of the future here!  A huge congratulations to Freya in Red Class who came to visit with some excellent sentence writing.  She could tell us all the things needed to make a good sentence.

Click below to hear Sebastian, Ida, Daniel, Nooria and Aidan from Holly Class reciting the months of the year in Spanish! They were so enthusiastic and even had actions to accompany their song!


Well done also to Tyler and Sophia in Cedar class, who created very realistic drawings of a neanderthal man paying close attendion to detail, using a grid to help them with proportion.


We wish all our children and families a lovely Bank Holiday weekend.

Ms Binks, Mrs Carpenter and the Cypress Team.

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Published on 3rd May, 2024

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