02 February 2023

Cypress Coffee Morning (SEND focus & Love To Communicate)

Thank you to those who attended our Coffee Morning on Thursday 2nd February.  We hope you found this useful in further understanding the provision and support available at Cypress Primary School for children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities).  Thank you to Robyn and Lisa from ‘Love To Communicate’ for sharing their work at Cypress along with some useful information about supporting children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs.  We have attached their presentation below for those who were unable to join us.

Here are some links to some of the resources and websites we discussed:

Ms McLelland, Mrs Sorensen and Miss Binks are always happy to support families with any advice or referrals.  Please catch one of us on the school gates or email the school office.


Save the date!

Cypress Coffee Morning (SEND focus along with a presentation from the Mental Health Schools Team) – Thursday 23rd March at 9.15am


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Published on 2nd February, 2023

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