20 September 2024

CYP – We are proud of ourselves and each other

It has been a very busy week at Cypress with all the children enjoying learning in their new classes and making leaps in their learning.  We have been enjoying celebrating our successes and also those of others.
At the Lower School, we have been learning about ‘The Magic of Mistakes‘ and how this helps our brains grow.  We have shared examples of when we have made mistakes and what we learnt from them.  The children were able to explain that making mistakes helps them change how they do things and helps them learn.  This week, we have all been embracing mistakes as we know they help us to grow.
Jeans for Genes
Today we have been showing ‘We Care‘ by wearing denim and donating a pound to the charity Jeans for Genes .  The school was  a see of denim and Seve the Cypress Super Dog also joined in by wearing his denim dungarees to school. The Jeans for Genes campaign raises awareness of the daily challenges faced by those living with a genetic condition and raises money to fund projects that make a tangible difference to the lives of those affected. celebrates the achievements of those living with a genetic condition. Well done to our House and Vice Captains, who led a flawless assembly explaining the importance of our donations today.  After a final count up at the Lower School, we have raised £205.12  Thank you to everyone who made a donation.  This will be added together with the money raised at the Upper School as our donation.

Team Around the School  (TAS)

As part of our provision to support children and families, the school now has access to Team Around the School support.  The TAS presents the opportunity to improve integration and access to early help services.  It delivers co-ordinated interventions through education settings to support students with emerging needs.  The TAS provides an early help focus which seeks to reduce the likelihood of issues escalating and requirement for statutory services.

The TAS is a partnership approach that our school will be utilising to assist us in finding useful approaches and resources to assist emerging challenges or issues experienced. This will allow us to discuss situations and circumstances in order to prevent difficulties from escalating and fully support our children and their families, the aim is to target resources both holistically and at the earliest possible stage. By taking this partnership approach, we will be able to identify potential issues and offer co-ordinated responses which support our children and their families, so together we can achieve positive changes.  However, for the TAS to work at it’s best we are asking that parents/carers who are contacted to provide consent so their child/children’s information can be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis, allowing for the best support and interventions to be put in place at the earliest opportunity.’

House Captains

The House Captains for this year were announced in assembly on Monday.


Congratulations to:

Sparta:Ivy (C), Maxwell (VC)

Corinth: Kitty (C) Maya (VC)

Athens: Hettie (C), Sheick (VC)

Olympia: Sophronya (C) Berry (VC)


Well done to you all. We are proud to have you represent our houses at Cypress.

Celebrating Enterprise
We are very proud of the enterprise skills shown by Bea, Emilia, Evie, Hazel and Sophie in Sycamore Class.  At the end of year picnic on the last day of the summer term, the girls held a cake sale in South Norwood Lakes, selling home baked goods. They all worked really hard, planning what they would bake, how much they would sell it for and even designing posters.
They managed to make an impressive £62.85 which we would like to bring into the office for the school to use as they see fit.  We are all really proud of their collective efforts and school spirit.
Cypress Superstars. 
Well done to Elsie in Indigo Class to came to the office to share her wonderful independent writing. Elsie had written and illustrated her own story about a battle between a dragon and a dinosaur.  She had used very descriptive language and humour in her writing to show the different personalities of her characters.  What a great piece of work!  Congratulations to Penda, Rosie, Clara and Baxter in Turquoise Class who came to show their amazing printing they had made in art.  The detail they included in their tiles was incredible.  Well done! Well done to Shyla and Aleena in Limeclass for performing their wonderfully uplifting original song to me at break time. It even had a rap section! Aleksy in Birch made a model of Crystal Palace Park,, which included the sphynx, a dinosaur and of course the Crystal Palace! Fantastic DT skills, Aleksy! Hudson in Rowan made some very tasty honey cake as part of his homework relating to the Romans. It was delicious! Do come again! Mabli came to the office to showcase a wonderful piece of narrative writing. She had used carefully expnded noun phrases to create strong imagery. Well done, Mabli. Olivia and Rio in Oak wowed Ms Sa Walmsley in Spanish with a flawless review of their Spanish knowledge – felicidades a ambos!
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Carpenter, Miss Binks and the Cypress team

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Published on 20th September, 2024

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