08 April 2022

CYP Upper – A Super Spring Term

It has been a very busy week at Cypress Upper.  We began the week with our Reading Tree reward assembly and all the children who had completed all their reading mileage for this term received a bookmark with a QR code to a special story read by Ms Binks.  All the bookmark winners were then entered into a class raffle with one lucky winner in each class getting a new book to keep. The classes with the most bookmarks in each year group won a reading cafe.  This meant the class earned new books and had tablecloths, hot chocolate, squash and biscuits to enjoy whilst they were reading.  It was wonderful to see the children so absorbed in their books and enjoying the atmosphere of the reading cafe.  Congratulations to Holly, Hawthorn, Hazel and Beech who were this term’s winners.

We also had our Rainbow assembly.  We are very proud of the children who received a rainbow certificate this week.

Class Name Rainbow 1 Rainbow 2
Holly Ivy – for persevering on a  fantastic piece of descriptive writing about a mammoth. Kayhan – for persevering and showing a lot of courage in our performance rehearsals.
Cedar Ray & Sophronya – For rehearsing their lines with little practice, at short notice and performing brilliantly, thank you!
Birch Tommy- for being an excellent role model during lessons- good looking and listening at all times. Amaya- capitalising on your learning effectively for your mammoth report.
Lime Gracie – for her understanding of fractions and capitalising to help her complete the challenges. Ami – for persevering in all tasks and having the determination to learn her 3,4 and 6 times table
Hawthorn Lea, Saray and Alesha – working collaboratively on a newspaper article in ICT.
Rowan Flora for dedication to ensuring Rowan’s assembly was an all-singing, all-dancing success. Lara for dedication to ensuring Rowan’s assembly was an all-singing, all-dancing success.
Hazel Kaiana – for using imagination skills when calculating the area of irregular shapes. Sam – persevering in writing lesson to produce an entertaining narrative.
Willow Elijah – For persevering in swimming lessons and making excellent progress. Kaylee – For writing an outstanding alternative ending to ‘The Little Shoemaker’.
Sycamore Cara –for using great collaborative and persevering skills when writing the narrative: ‘The Little Shoemaker.’. Abubakar – for using great imaginative and persevering skills in the writing of the class narrative: ‘The Little Shoemaker.’
Beech Alex- for using his capitalising skills to plan writing the fight scene in Macbeth. Reece- great perseverance with is arithmetic revision in maths.
Oak Yusuf – For working extremely hard to catch up in Maths after being away. Sundus – For managing her distractions so that she is always able to complete her work.

On Wednesday we had our Gold Award assembly for this half term.  The focus was “curriculum achievement”.  Well done to our Gold Award winners for all their hard work this half term.

Birch Owureku Amaya
Holly Ezra Daisy
Cedar Cora-Rose Filip S
Rowan Tabby Hector
Lime Sisi Pietro
Hawthorn Saray Raul
Sycamore Saddiq Nina
Willow Kaylee Ralph
Beech Leonor Nicole
Oak Alycia Mustafa

Year 3 Easter Performance

This week, we were dazzled by Year 3 who produced an amazing Easter performance.  The children wowed with their confidence, acting skills, singing and dancing.  Thanks to all the parents who joied us for the perfomances.  It was a very moving performance and the children did themselves proud.  Many thanks to Ms Pumphrey, Mr Shipley, Miss Khatun, Miss Barker, Miss Sabih, Miss Punyer, Mr Beeharry and Miss Banks for all your hard work supporting the children.  It truly was a memorable performance.

Lime Class Assembly

We finished our week with a fantastic class assembly from Lime Class.  The children performed a wonderful retelling of the book “Cinnamon”.  We were all so impressed with the children’s acting skills, expression and humour.  A special mention to Pietro who played the Djembe as the backing track for both songs.  You are all so talented!  Thank you to Miss Patel and Mrs Joshi for all your hard work and support.  It was a fantastic way to finish the half term and a very uplifting way to start our day. It was also lovely to have so many parents and carers join us this morning.

Cypress Superstar

Well done to Alex in Beech Class who has independently written and recorded his English work this week.  You can listen to his story below.

PTFA Spring Fair and Discos

Last week the amazing PTFA held the Spring Fair at the Upper School, including the great Easter Egg hunt, an Easter bonnet parade and a fantastic raffle.  We are pleased to share that they raised a whopping £1766!  The school discos across both sites have also raised over £1000 so thank you to all the PTFA volunteers who have made these fundraising events possible.  The children, families and staff at Cypress are all very grateful for your commitment and support to our school.

Library Update

Year 6 have been busy helping sort the books for our new library this morning.  Many thanks to our parent helpers and Mrs Parker for all your hard work today.  If any Cypress families would like to donate a book to the Upper School library you can do so by visiting ‘This is Book Love’ and more details can be found here.

Goodbye and Good Luck

Today we say goodbye to Mr Beeharry (Mr Jib) who has been working as Teaching Assistant based in Year 3.  He is relocating to a new area so will no longer be worknig at Cypress.  Mr Beeharry has shown an excellent rapour with the children at Cypress and an ability to bring out the best in all of them.  We wish him all the best for the future.  He will greatly missed by us all at Cypress Upper.

Finally, we would like to wish all our Cypress families a relaxing break.  We look forward to seeing you on Monday 25th April for the start of the summer term.

Ms Binks and the Cypress Upper Team

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Published on 8th April, 2022

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