It has been another busy week at Cypress with children making leaps in their learning and heading out on trips to learn from the world around us.
At the Lower School , we have been continuing to think about the theme of kindness and making sure we include everyone. We have thought about how we can do this during break and lunchtime so that we can show we care about everyone in our school community. At the Upper School, we have been thinking about rigour and working methodically. We know that these skills are needed if we are to complete tasks successfully and thoroughly. In assembly, we thought carefully about how these skills might look in the classroom and how we can use scaffolds such as our success criteria to help us to be rigorous and methodical in our approach to learning.
Sycamore Class Assembly
Today we were treated to a very informative assembly about the Amazon rainforest from Sycamore based on the work they have completed in class on their thematic Rainforest topic. The children spoke with confidence and used their prosody skills to convey their message expressively. To check our understanding and retention, they quizzed the audience on their rainforest facts. After this, they delivered an emotional rendition of the American charity single, ‘We are the World’. They reminded us that change begins with us, and that we should speak up to change things that we are passionate about – especially environmental issues. Well done, Sycamore class! Special thanks to Ms Pumphrey and Ms Mangan who supported the children to deliver their assembly today.
Ruby Class visit the Mosque
On Wednesday, Ruby Class visited Croydon Mosque to support their learning in R.E. Ruby Class had a brilliant time and really enjoyed hearing from the Imam about Islam. They are now looking forward to including all this new knowledge in their learning in class. Thank you Miss Ellis and Ms Mitchell and all our parents and carers who went on this trip.
Year 6 Citizenship Day
On Tuesday, Year 6 took part in the Croydon Junior Citizenship Scheme. The children were able to take part in a range of sessions that will prepare them for life in modern Britain and the transition to secondary school. To read more about this, click here
Upper School Council and House/Vice Captains visit Parliament
Last Friday our School Councillors and House/Vice Captains visited Parliament. It was such an fun and interesting trip – we even managed to visit a few landmarks on the way home! Please click here to read the news story! Special thanks to Mr Shipley for organising the trip.
Year 5 & 6 Cross Country
Last week, on Saturday, some of our Year 5 and Year 6 Cross country team competed in the Surrey Cross Country races. The Year 5 children ran 1.6 km, while the Year 6 participants ran 2 km. Their perseverance and dedication shone through. Well done to Amiyah, Sophie, Jack, and Mac in Year 5 and Evie, Faith, Amelie, Emily, Pablo, Ethan, Flip, and Rio in Year 6! Special thanks to Ms Hassan our PE lead, who also braved the weather alongside the children and supported them throughout the event. Click here for more photos
Cypress Superstars
There have been lots of visitors coming to the office this year to show their amazing work. It is always so pleasing to see the progress the children have made and hear them talk about the things they have learnt. Well done to David in Violet Class who had produced some lovely writing about ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. He had used humour well to describe grandma crying like a baby when the wolf locked her in the cupboard. Congratulations to Jack in Orange Class who came to show his writing about ‘The Gruffalo’. He retold the whole story and had written lots of words from the story. Jack also labelled all the sound buttons on each word. Well done to Alex, Freddie and Quinn in Ruby Class who came to show their early work explaining what they would do if they were Ms Binks for a day. What an imaginative piece of work! Congratulations to Alexandra, Wren, Maddie, Isabelle and Martina in Blue Class who have made amazing progress in their writing. They have written some wonderful work about old toys following their toy workshop. We are really proud of you!
Louis and Jacob in Hawthorn came to share their work in history and discuss the reasons for the Roman invasion of Britain in 43AD. Well done boys; it was great to hear you speak so knowledgeably and with such enthusiasm. Rose and Ivy in Cedar had been comparing the Great Exhibition (1841) and the Jamaican Exhibition (1891) during a history lesson. They came to share their thoughts. Rose and Ivy: we were very impressed with your vocabulary choices as you explained the differences and similarities between the two events. We were particularly impressed by your use of the word ‘incurred’ – great oracy skills on show! Arabella in Willow Class came to see us recently for working diligently in her maths sessions. She has now mastered dividing by 10, 100 and 1000! Sophronya, our budding columnist, has created an Oak Class newspaper detailing all of the week’s interesting events. There were even activities for children to complete! Well done, Sophronya!
We wish all our children and families a restful weekend.
Ms Binks, Mrs Carpenter and the Cypress Team