23 May 2024

CYP Lower: School Council Make Changes

Today has been a very exciting day for the Lower School School Council as they have been able to see the impact of their leadership and suggestions.

At the beginning of the year, Apphia in Year One made the suggestion to have the monkey bars lowered so it was easier for the children to use.  Today, we were very excited to hear from Mr Roberts that the work was being done and the contractors were outside lowering the bars.  Ms Binks gathered the representatives together and we went outside to have a look and see what was happening.  We were all really excited to see the work taking place.  Hugo then got to go and be measured standing at the start so they we could check the height was corrected.  James then suggested lowering the middle a little more and was very happy that his suggestion was used.

Well done School Council for sharing your ideas and thank you Mr Roberts for making this idea become reality.


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Published on 23rd May, 2024

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