We had a fantastic start to the morning at Cypress Lower today. The school hall was packed with parents and carers waiting to see Indigo Class’ assembly.
As part of their English lessons, Indigo had studied the poem ‘The Sound Collector’ by Roger McGough. They started their assembly with a fantastic performance of this poem. It was lovely to see the class using their prosody skills from their reading sessions to really enhance the performance. The children then shared their work where they had drawn and described the sound collector using their imagination. Indigo Class then performed their own version of the poem that they had written as class. This was based on noises they hear around the school. They then ended the assembly with a song all about sounds.
We are very proud of Indigo Class as this is their first class assembly. The children performed with confidence and demonstrated excellent collaboration skills. Thank you to Miss King, Miss Sompa and Miss Catterall for all your hard work preparing the children.
Ms Binks and the Cypress Lower Team