This week at Cypress Lower we have been Building our Learning Powers (BLP). Mrs Guerry led an assembly on Monday where we learnt that it’s OK to make mistakes, as we can learn from these and persevere. We will be learning lots more about BLP during our assemblies and working hard to apply these skills in our learning.
At the beginning of each academic year we elect our School Council representatives in Year 1 and Year 2. We are so impressed that we had lots of children who read their manifestos to their class, bravely sharing their thoughts and ideas. Each class then voted democratically for their class representatives and during assembly today Miss Wenham revealed the results, awarding the children with their special School Council badges. We would like to congratulate the following children on their new roles and we are excited to see the positive contribution they will undoubtedly make at the Lower School this year.
Blue class – Gordon and Heidi | Green class – Elliot and Lenka | Indigo class – Ivy and Leon |
Turquoise class – Jacob and Gabriella | Violet class – JJ and Phoebe | Ruby class – Shen and Amar |
We are very proud of every child who wrote a manifesto and put themselves forward for the vote – this takes courage – an essential trait of a leader. Please do not be discouraged if you were not voted in this time. You may wish to try again next year; if not, there are lots of other responsibilities at Cypress to apply for this year that need responsible, enthusiastic role models, who wish to help us develop and improve the school!
Cypress Superstars
We have been so proud of our Reception children this week as they have settled into full-time sessions. They have had many skills to master, such as collecting their lunch trays and eating in the school hall, following routines, starting PE lessons and some classes also had Forest School! Please remember to label all your child’s clothes including their shoes and support them in being as independent as possible. Congratulations to our Rainbow certificate children this week for working so hard in their learning. Jocelyn in Year 1 has made a fantastic interactive map of her journey to school, even including monkey bars! Louis in Year 2 completed some excellent writing about ‘The Lonely Beast’, taking great care to use past tense verbs. We are also very proud of Kaycee for working incredibly hard on her reading this week, even practising at home. We are also very grateful to some parent volunteers who helped Mrs Dutton to clear some weeds in the tyre planters at the front of the school – you’re all Cypress Superstars this week too!
Curriculum meetings and year group newsletters
We have a number of curriculum meetings arranged over the coming weeks – please click the link here for dates. Children all brought home a copy of their year group newsletters today which includes important diary dates for this term. You can also find the newsletter here: Little Cypress, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
After-School Clubs
Please click here to read the letter detailing clubs available this term. Clubs will become available to book tomorrow at 12pm on our booking platform – Magic Booking.
Music clubs
We are pleased to inform you of a new appointment at Cypress – Miss Faie, our new music teacher. She has a master’s degree in music and is proficient in guitar, piano and voice – voice being her specialism. We will be offering some additional peripatetic lessons in the above at Upper and Lower School and look forward to introducing a choir at the Lower School, so watch this space!
Goodbye Mrs Kan!
As many of you know Mrs Kan is sadly leaving Cypress today after 3 years as a Teaching Assistant, joining British Airways and flying the skies as cabin crew. We all thank her for her commitment to Cypress children and wish her all the best.
Additional Bank Holiday
As you will know, due to the sad passing of our Queen, Elizabeth II, we are closing Cypress Upper, Lower and Little Cypress Nursery on Monday 19th September – the day of the Queen’s funeral. The school will open again on Tuesday 20th September.
Have a restful weekend – see you on Tuesday
Mrs Sorensen and the Lower School team