11 October 2024

CYP – Harvest Time is Here

This week we have been celebrating the festival of Harvest and special assemblies have taken place at both the Upper and Lower School.

Turquoise Class started the day with a fantastic assembly sharing the history of Harvest and how it is celebrated in the U.K.  They wowed us with their confidence, singing and dancing.  Each child had also made their own headband designed with autumn leaves to complete their look. Well done Turquoise Class, we are all very proud of you.  Thank you also to Mrs Guerry and Ms Francis for all your hard work with the children.  At the Upper School, Year 4 gave us a wonderful Harvest performance full of confidence, delivering an important and powerful message of hope, sharing and gratitude. Special thanks to all the teachers who supported the children: Miss Stewart, Mr Shipley, Miss Marshall, Ms Isaacs, Ms Brooks and Mr Nicol. We would also like to thank all our families who contributed to the Harvest collection.  These will now be sent to the Salvation Army to support those in need.


This week, some year 5 and year 6 children have taken part in Bikeability training. They have been learning about the importance of checking your bikes to ensure they are safe for use. Once children were confident and comfortable with their bike, they were guided along our local streets and learnt how to ride safely on the streets. Well done! We hope to see you riding to school. Special thanks to Miss Fernandes for organising this event.

Year 1 Trip to South Norwood Lakes

This week, Year 1 have been on a local visit to South Norwood Lakes.  The children had a fantastic time and drew some detailed maps of the route to and from and school.  Thank you to all the parents and carers who came along and helped.  To find out more, read our article here

Lower School Council Meeting

On Thursday, the newly elected school council at the Lower School held their first meeting.  They had a wonderful time introducing themselves to one another and sharing their ideas of improvements they would like to put in place this year.  Ms Nardozza was very impressed with you all.

Seve Celebrates Success

Seve the Cypress Superdog had a fantastic time in the forest school area with Ms Binks and all the children who had gone above and beyond by achieving a Rainbow certificate.  Seve is very proud of you all!

Cypress Superstars

Well done to Eliza in Ruby Class who has designed and created a brilliant maze as part of her thematic homework.  It is a wonderful piece of work and Ms Binks had a great time getting the ball to the other side of the maze. Congratulations to Mahbubat, Oscar, Tate, Isla and Zackary in Turquoise Class who came to see Ms Binks with some wonderful writing all about their text ‘The Cloud Maker’.  They had used a wide range of vocabulary and time connectives in their work which made it a very interesting read. Well done to Amiera, who had written a wonderfully desscriptive passage detailing the setting from the visual stimulus, Alma. Nyla, Eddie, Josh, Milana, Ridwan from Holly and Rose from Birch class have written some terrifying facts about the T-Rex using poerful adjectives and topic specific vocabulary! Oliver and Fiffy in Holly class have been focusing on their joins in handwriting sessions and their progress shows! Keep up the focus and determination! Clementine in Rowan has been very busy outside of school. She is a finalist in an arts festival for the Institution of Civil Engineers. She first did some preparatory work, brainstorming with her Mum about nature and infrastructure, and learnt about how beavers are amazing engineers.  She also looked into the importance of reusing things and building only what is essential and valuable for all living things. Clem then did a brilliant job of putting it all together to make a song! We wish her all the best in the upcoming finals!

We wish all our children and families a wonderful weekend.

Ms Binks, Mrs Carpenter and the Cypress Team

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Published on 11th October, 2024

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