This week, we have been showing how kind and caring we are towards each other as it has been ‘Friendship Week’ At the Lower School, we started the week with a special assembly led by Miss Williams where we learnt all about what it means to be a good friend. We really enjoyed completing the activities that Miss Williams gave us to do and learnt a lot. Classes have also been completing different activities about friendship in their PSHE lessons. We are so proud to have so many children who know how to be a good friend and who demonstrate the Pegasus value ‘We Care‘ every single day. At the Upper School, we had a special assembly introducing Friendship week. We thought about what it means to be a good friend and the difference between sympathy and empathy. We know that showing empathy for others helps us connect with friends on a deeper level supporting emotional wellbeing for both us and our friends.
Cypress Superstars
There have been so many visitors coming to see us in the office this week who have made superb progress in an area of their learning. Well done to Leoh in Blue Class. Leoh came to show us his amazing moon buggy that he had made as part of his learning in D.T. Congratulations to Leena in Ruby Class who had designed and made a detailed model of a castle as part of her thematic home learning. She was able to tell us how she had used her knowledge of the Tudors to help her make it. Jack in Ruby Class has been thinking about the Pegasus value ‘We Care’ at home and decided to make his own ‘Golden Rules’ to show how we should treat each other. What a lovely idea! In Turquoise Class, Gilbie, Omir, Jacob, Clara and Jaydah all came to show their learning about Road Safety. They could explain how to cross the road safely and explain how the different types of crossing work. In Ruby Class, Reuben came to show his fantastic portrait of Edward VI. We were very impressed with both his art skills and knowledge of Tudor history.
Well done to Angel in Rowan class, who has been working diligently on her phonics and making great progress. Jay Jay in Beech class worked hard to write interesting speech that advanced his original narrative based on The Watertower by Gary Crew.Sincere has written sentences containing relative clauses, used commas to demarcate them and used well-chosen vocabulary to enhance the effectiveness of his descriptions. Well done, Sincere! Eli, Dougie, Kaycee and Freddie from Hawthorn class have written letters in the role of Matthew Henson, the first black explorer to reach the North Pole. They had used emotive language and fronted adverbials to add detail to their sentences. Axel in Rowan class came to share his insights into the mind of Barnabus from the book, ‘The Barnabus Project’ by the Fan Brothers. He had taken time to really put himself in the mind of the character and share Barnabus’ emotions and thoughts. Izzy in Cedar came fourth in a gynastics competition and brought her medal in to show me. She did the vault and a floor routine. Izzy, your dedication to the sport is clearly paying off! Good luck on your next competition in January!
Road Safety Week
The House Captains worked hard to deliver an assembly introducing Road Safety Week, and reminding the children to stop, look and listen, and stay bright as they travel home as the nights get darker. This year’s theme is ‘Road Safety Heroes’. Children will be learning about road safety and celebrating all the road safety heroes who make roads safer and support after a road crash. Throughout the week, there will be ‘Road Safety Week’ classroom activities where classes will discuss what makes a good road safety hero, how to stay safe on roads and how to be safe while cycling. Miss Fernandes and Mrs Jerman have also launched a Road Safety Week poster competition – see the gallery for details. Children must submit their entries to their class teacher by Tuesday 3rd December. We are looking forward to an informative Road Safety Week!
We wish all our children and families a relaxing weekend.
Ms Binks, Mrs Carpenter and the Cypress Team