04 October 2024

CYP – The amazing power of ‘yet’

This week at the Lower School, we have been continuing our work on growth mindset and ‘the power of yet’.  Ms Binks has been amazed at the number of children who have stopped in the corridor or lunch hall to tell her when they have used this learning power to help them.  We are very proud of their achievements and the resilience the children are showing when faced with challenge. At the Upper School we were wowed by Larch class’ assembly this morning. They reminded us of the importance of self reflection and our Pegasus values. They thought carefully about each one, explaining why they are so important to us all. They completed their assembly with a melodious rendition of ‘Proud’ by Heather Small. Many thanks to Larch class for their uplifting performance and to Ms Wadham Powell and Ms Surrey for supporting the children to deliver their assembly.

Little Cypress Parents’ Meeting

Thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to attend the Little Cypress Parents’ Meeting on Wednesday.  If you would like to find out more about this meeting click here

Cypress Superstars

It has been another busy week of achievement at Cypress with lots of visitors coming to share their work.  Well done to Ersel in Blue Class who had been in counting in 3s and also shown a good understanding of odd and even numbers in sequences.  Congratulations to Paula in Blue Class who had completed some great independent writing about her hat she created.  Miss Balhadere was very impressed with how she had challenged herself.   Well done to Debbie, Jasmine, Louiza and Gilbie in Turquoise Class who had used a very strategic approach to record all the different number bonds for numbers up to 9.  Ms Binks was very impressed with how they could explain how they had made sure they found them all.  Congratulations to Ace in Violet Class who had used amazing, descriptive vocabulary in his retelling of ‘The Bear and the Piano.  What a wonderful piece of writing!  Well done to Kacey in Ruby Class who has made amazing progress in her writing this half term.  Ms Binks really enjoyed reading her retelling of ‘ The Bear and the Piano’.  Keep up the great work! Lucy in Beech class came to see me to share her work and discuss the ways that different countries around the world celebrate Harvest.  Thank you Lucy, you were very knowledgeable! Well done to Abdur in Birch class, who excelled in his maths session showing confidence and fluency when adding numbers. Ife and Amari from Holly class came to the office with very humourous poems they had composed independently.

You can see them here:



School Photographs

School photographs are taking place at the Upper School on Wednesday 9th October and  Tuesday 8th October on the Lower Site. Sibling photographs will be taken from 8am on Wednesday in Juniper room, behind the school office and in the main hall at the Lower Site on Tuesday. If you have siblings at both sites, you may attend either the Lower or Upper to have your children’s photo taken.

Parents’ Evening

A quick reminder to all parents and carers that parents’ evening is taking place on both sites next. At the Lower School, meetings for Little Cypress are on Monday and Tuesday and for Reception, Year 1 and 2 appointments are on Monday and Thursday.  At the Upper School meetings are on Monday and Wednesday. We look forwrard to seeing you!

Please contact your child’s teacher if you have not yet made an appointment.

We wish all our children and families a relaxing weekend.

Ms Binks, Mrs Carpenter and the Cypress Team

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Published on 4th October, 2024

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