Dress Up Day and Author email
Friday was the final Day of the Book Week’ extravaganza at Beulah Infants and Nursery School – dress up day had arrived! Children came to school dressed up as their favourite book characters or wearing comfy clothes clutching their favourite stories and ready to read. Everyone came together in the hall for a costume parade! From wizards to dinosaurs, the hall became a vibrant tapestry of imagination. Prizes were awarded for the fantastic ‘Book in Box’ competition winners – which was very difficult as there were many entries and they were all fantastic! The fun continued throughout the day with exciting ‘Book Day’ activities in every classroom. Storytelling sessions enchanted little listeners, crafting stations sparked creativity, and puppet shows brought tales to life.
As the day ended, tired but happy faces filled the school. Children buzzed about their favourite parts and new stories to explore. Book Week had united everyone both inside our school but also across the world! Our hope is that we are igniting a passion for reading and writing of course Just as were about to go home, there was one more surprise for us all – the author James has sent an email full of praise for our wonderful children and school:
“I actually just want to give a shout out and some positive feedback about Beulah School. The overall reception was the warmest I’ve ever had. They had created Piku displays. They had created a Rang-tan play display. They had created a whole Rang-tan jungle and door. They had ‘author visit’ posters and displays everywhere, with the write ups of the books and information about my career, and the illustrator as I work with.The children were so excited and so engaged at every talk. They mixed up all three events so I didn’t have to do the same event over and over. And they had been reading my books and hyping me up for the last two weeks, so every child knew who I was, and was excited to see me. Having a little bit of context also meant they asked so many great questions and we’re very curious.
I know these are all small things, but it all added up to a really really enjoyable, inspiring and motivating visit. And it made me really proud to be an author. They worked really hard to make my event as special as it could be for both me and the children.”
James Sellick
We hope that all of these events encourage our children to pick up a book and read for pleasure! Everyone at Beulah is already looking forward to next year’s Book Week, eager for more adventures!