15 March 2023
ATW: Cooking up a storm at Cookery Club
Cookery Club Cooking up a Storm I visited Cookery Club this Tuesday- indeed, the waft of delicious sponge that reached my room was too much to bear.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Cookery Club Cooking up a Storm I visited Cookery Club this Tuesday- indeed, the waft of delicious sponge that reached my room was too much to bear.
Bruno learns to Code at Atwood Upon my travels to capture some of the amazing clubs we have on offer for your children at Atwood, I was pleased to see that Bruno was taking his learning seriously.
Thrilling girls’ football match against Robert Fitzroy Here is the match report written by some members of the girls’ football team.
Atwood’s Eco Committee are Back in Action Once again Atwood’s Eco-Committee have said that they see litter as a big problem in our community and in our school grounds.
Strong ATW Performance at last weekend’s Cross Country Event Mrs Bayliss have given up some of her Saturday mornings to take the Cross Country athletes from Atwood to their fixtures.
Croydon’s Swimming Gala The following five Atwood children were selected for the recent swimming gala: Eloise, Nathan, Joseph, George and Izzy which took place at the Trinity swimming pool.Eloise
Key Stage 2 Record 4 Songs We love singing at Atwood.
Mr Veale’s welcome I’m really pleased that the new screen outside the Junior Hall is now operational.
The Whitgift Primary Project As mentioned in this week’s main Newsletter, here is a more in-depth report from this wonderful experience.
Value your Achievements- this article links with Atwood’s children focussing on the Value of Mutual Respect and the celebration of diversity.
This term our topic in Reception is ‘To The Rescue!’. We are looking at all of the ways people help us when we are in emergency situations.
Mr Veale’s welcome The Atwood collective has made it to March.
What a wonderful week of stories, poems and books across all the Pegasus schools.
Mr Veale’s welcome We all hope that you had a good half term.
Mrs Hutchinson has long coordinated the Books for Africa scheme which sees books that are no longer being used at Atwood being sent to Africa so that children there can learn to read.