A much-abbreviated newsletter today as lots of parents visited the school and have been able to see what the children have been up to this week.
Overnight, the whole school was transformed into the Atwood Museum for our museum day. It was lovely to see so many parents visiting and admiring the children’s thematic work. This aspect of the curriculum covers Art, DT, History and Geography and today was a chance to showcase all the children have learnt. We had everything ranging from Bog Babies and Viking longships to burning Tudor houses and mummified tomatoes. The school was full of Tudor kings and queens, Egyptian Pharaohs, Vikings and Romans. We even had some poor, little Victorian urchins who were lucky enough to have their first taste of delicious gruel! Having spent the week surrounded by cardboard, paint and PVA glue the children were so excited to share all their learning and if you came to visit, I’m sure you’ll agree they did a fantastic job.
Once all the parents left, the children had the opportunity to tour the museum and see what other year groups have been learning. It was amazing to hear the children sharing their knowledge and their enthusiasm for the topics they’ve covered. Thank you to all the guides and experts who helped to show parents around the school and special thanks to all the staff who went over and above to transform the school.
Sports News
On Tuesday, we took two teams to play netball at Margaret Roper Primary School. We started with the year 6 match which was very competitive but the girls were outstanding and secured the 2-1 win. Congratulations to Honey who was voted player of the match. We then moved onto the second match for year 5. This group of girls are improving every week and the fabulous win of 5-0 proved this. More importantly, the smiles could be seen from miles away! It was a fantastic team effort. Congratulations to Freya who deservedly won player of the match.
Well done to all of those who played today.:
Year 6 – Honey Amber Izzy Alicia Autumn Zara Lexi and Madison.
Year 5 – Grace Freya Amelie Megan Mia Salihah and Evie.
Thank you too to the parents who provided transport and cheers from the side.
Please check because new dates are being added all the time.
Monday 10th January: Year 6 to Riddlesdown for drama production
Friday 14th February: Break for half term
Monday 24th February: Return to school
Friday 28th February: Ruby class assembly
Friday 28th February: Year 3 Warlingham library visit (Jade Class)
Thursday 6th March: World Book Day
Week beginning 10th March: Year Whitgift Project
Monday 10th March: Year 2 London Trip
Week beginning Monday 17th March: Year 5 Carroty Wood Residential
Monday 17th March: Parents’ evening
Tuesday 18th March: Parents’ evening
Friday 21st March: Year 4 Walk to Kingswood
Friday 21st March: Orange class assembly
Tuesday 1st April: Class Photos
Friday 4th April: End of spring term
Tuesday 22nd April: Start of summer term
Friday 11th July: Camp Atwood