14 March 2025

Atwood Newsletter 14th March 2025

The children have been up to lots of exciting things this week.  As well as all the learning that goes on in class, there have been visits to London, Waitrose, Whitgift and forest school for various reasons. We also had a visit from the poet Josh Siegal on Tuesday to round off our Book Week celebrations.

In Nursery, the children have been learning all about the life cycle of frogs.  Read more here:


This week, the Reception children have been thinking about Superheroes. Read more here:


In Year One the children have been reading the book ‘Chalk’ by Bill Thomson.  This excellent picture book tells the story of a group of children who find a bag of chalk and the wonderful things that happen when they use the chalk to make their own drawings. To inspire the children’s writing the children took the playground with their own chalks to draw their own pictures.  We then thought and wrote about what could happen if their pictures came to life.  The children have been improving their sentences by using adjectives to describe their nouns and adding additional details. In maths, the children have started learning about length and height. They have compared the lengths of different objects and their heights with each other. They have also have begun coding in computing, making bubbles pop with different sounds. Finally, the children have studied a variety of maps in Geography and identified features such as compass points and symbols.

This week, Year Two kicked off their week with an exciting trip to London as part of their thematic learning.  You can read more about what they got up to on the website here: https://www.pegasusacademytrust.org/news/atwood-visit-london-to-see-the-sights . They have also been learning about bridging tens when adding and subtracting.

 In Year Three the children have been immersing themselves in their Stone Age topic.  The children have been thinking about what they already know and what they like to find out about Stone Age living.  They spent some time in Forest School thinking about how it would feel to live without all the trappings of modern life.  Also, in maths the children have been learning about fractions of shapes and thinking about equivalent fractions.

 Year Four have been busy developing their Varjak Paw narrative in their writing.  They have been including fronted adverbials and possessive apostrophes in their sentences.  In maths, the children have been thinking about improper fractions and mixed numbers and how they can be compared and converted.  In their Thematic work, they learnt about the three tribes that made up the Anglo- Saxons and found out where they settled and in their whole class reading they have been reading ‘ Can We Save the Tiger?.

In Year Five this week the children have been enjoying the facilities at Whitgift School as part of the Whitgift Primary project.  The children had the opportunity to try a range of activities including, programming Micro-Bits, stop- motion animation, fencing and programming Sphero Bolts.  The children also got to enjoy the grounds and see the flamingos.  This project is a lovely opportunity for the children and only selected schools in Croydon get to take part so we are glad to make the most of it.  Thank you to all the parents who juggled their day to help with transporting children for drop off and pick-ups.

 This week in Year Six, the children have been working on their Macbeth writing.  How can Lady Macbeth convince Macbeth that he should be the King of Scotland?  The children are writing a monologue in role using all of their persuasive language skills. They have also been learning about angles in maths and using perspective in art when sketching the Minotaur.

Sports News

Last week, the children had a very busy sporting week.  If you’d like to see what they have been up to, including some wonderful news about Atwood’s National Judo champion then have a read of our sports round up here:



Please note that, in order to facilitate staffing for the Year 5 Carroty Wood residential, some changes have been made to Parents’ Evening days and Orange Class Assembly.

Week beginning Monday 17th March: Year 5 Carroty Wood Residential

Monday 17th March: Parents’ evening

Tuesday 18th March: Parents’ evening

Friday 21st March:  Year 4 Walk to Kingswood

Friday 21st March: Green class assembly: Please note change of class

Monday 24th/ Tuesday 25th March:  Red class, Orange class and Year 5 Parents’ evening.

Monday 24th March: School council trip to Houses of Parliament

Tuesday 1st April: Class Photos

Wednesday 2nd April:  Collectors’ Swap Meet #2

Friday 4th April: End of spring term

Tuesday 22nd April: First day of summer term



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Published on 14th March, 2025

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