21 July 2023

Atwood News for week ending Friday 21st July

Mr Veale’s welcome

It’s the last day of term and the last day for Year 6, as well as being the last day for a few other children in other year groups.  We also bid a fond farewell to a range of staff, whilst welcoming new staff to Atwood, including our new Head of School Mr Robins.  Mr Robins and I have completed a good ‘hand-over’ and I know that he will be a brilliant Head for your child and for the staff.  On this note, there is a lovely photo of Mr Robins meeting the Year 5 Entrepreneurs on Wednesday in the gallery below.

I wish to say that I have been humbled by the kind words of support and the lovely gifts that I have received this week.  I have been honoured to be your child’s Headteacher and I wish you and your families all the very best luck in the world and I promise that I will keep in touch.

Staff leavers

Mrs Elliott:  Mrs Elliott joined Atwood in 2015 and since this time, she has supported some of Atwood’s children that require the most care and support.  Mrs Elliott’s skills in nurturing children are second to none- her care and compassion she has shown has been incredible.  We wish her all the very best as she moves on to pastures new.

Diabetes Award

Many of you will be aware that the Atwood team have supported Roman, who is in Year 6, has diabetes and as such, has to receive very special and timely care throughout the school day.  The excellent work of the staff involved in caring for Roman has been recognised by healthcare professionals and were awarded a special certificate of recognition, which is in the gallery below.  Well done, Team!

Year 5 Enterprise Week

Year 5 take part in Enterprise Week.  I very much enjoy seeing the children running their small businesses.  This encourages a wide range of skills and develops their financial planning abilities.  The Year 5 team take up the story:

‘On Wednesday after school, our Year 5 pupils ran their enterprise fair.  In PSHE, the children were tasked with running simple marketing projects.  They were given a small budget and worked together to agree on a product to make and sell.  

After our young entrepreneurs had come up with a range of different products and interactive games, they created persuasive adverts to attract customers and devised their pricing strategy.

The event was very successful and we are pleased to share news of profits and the children’s decisions about how they would like the money to be spent.

5D/Teal class made a combined profit of £214.50.  After a class discussion and voting, they decided to donate half to a cancer charity with the rest of the money being spent on adopting a pet for a year and having an ice cream treat on the last day of term.

In 5G/Lavender class, altogether the groups made £270.  The children also voted to have an ice cream on the last day of term with the rest of the money going to a charity to help Ukrainian refugees.

We are very proud of the children’s efforts, ideas and entrepreneurial skills.  Well done Year 5!  Thank you also to everyone who supported the event.  It is testament to the children that they have selected three very deserving charities. Many thanks to the parents who attended the selling afternoon and helped make the afternoon so successful.  Photos in the gallery below.

Points (Pupil Reward Points)

Congratulations to AIR who won the Housepoint Competition for 2023.  This means that AIR children may wear a Yellow top on Friday 8th September- don’t forget!

776 700 707 623

Congratulations to AIR who have won the Team Points Competition for this week.  


Here are the attendance figures for this week and for the entire year:

Week Ending 14th July  Week Ending 21st July 
Infants (highest) Yellow and Blue 98% Green 100%
Juniors (highest) 6SB 100% 5G 100%
Whole School (weekly) 97% 96%
Whole School (year to date) 95% 95%

And so all that’s left for me to say is … ‘Tuck your shirt in!’

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Published on 21st July, 2023

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