24 May 2024

Atwood newsletter 24th May 2024

This week we have been celebrating Science week in school leading to lots of interesting scientific discoveries. Read on to find out more.

In Reception and Nursery, the children have been exploring and developing their knowledge and understanding of the world.



This week, Year 1 have been creating their own Tinga Tinga story ‘How Spider got his smile’. They planned which animals would be in the story and what they would do before carefully writing the story. In maths, the children have started looking at money. They counted in ones, twos, fives and tens to find the value of different amounts of money. It has been Science week and the children have carried out lots of experiments. They put celery in food dye to see how water moves around the plant. They added water to magic snow and observed what happened over time. They also placed skittles in a dish of water and observed how the colours spread through the water. They also had a fantastic bubble workshop visit us.

This week, Year 2 had an exciting trip to Morden Hall Park.  Despite the less than summery weather, the children had a fantastic time.  The children travelled by bus and tram which was very exciting.  When they got to the park they searched for minibeasts and explored the many different microhabitats of our local creatures.  The highlight of the day was finding a newt.  Many of the children had never seen one before the children have been.  The children have also published their slithering snake fact files in English and finished off their learning about measurement in maths. They have loved becoming scientists this Science Week by comparing habitats and the impact humans have on the world over time and being inspired by inventors who are protecting our Earth such as Sam Teicher and Gator Halpern who opened the world’s first coral farm in Grand Bahama. From this inspiration the children have decided to build our own bee hotels to rescue bees at Atwood and give them a safe home, if everyone made a small change, together we can make a big difference!

In Year 3, the children have been completing their work on ‘The Tin Forest’.  They have been using their persuasive writing skills in role as the old man in the book.  They want people to change their habits to save the planet.  In science, they observed how a plant grows over time and made sundials so that they can track how shadows move through the course of the day. They were amazed to see how the shadows moved and got slightly longer each time, realising that it wasn’t the sun that was really moving but, in fact, it was us! The children also learnt how the ancient Greeks and Romans used sundials to tell the time. Needless to say, given the weather, this has been more successful on some days than others this week.

In Year 4 the children have been investigating how animals in the UK have been adapting due to climate change. They designed their own animals that had adaptations to suit wetter winters and hotter summers. They then made models of their adapted animals out of clay.  In maths the children have continued their work on decimals and in English the children have been inspired by the animation ‘The DreamGiver’ to write a descriptive story opener.

Year 5 have been learning about the science behind flying a paper plane and the different forces that get a paper plane to fly and land.  They have tested planes using different sizes and weights of paper.  Some of the designs and models had remarkable results.

This week, the highlight for Year 6 was their trip to Chessington World of Adventrues.  Although it was a little bit gloomy and damp, the children had a great time and hardly noticed the rain.  With queues at the minimum, the children were fortunate to enjoy an abundance of rides; screams and laughter filling the air. Some children managed to go on a record 13 rides ! What a truly memorable day it was for all!


This week in our Gold Star assembly, we celebrated children who have demonstrated excellent teamwork so far this year.  We heard about children who always work well with others, are happy to share, show good sporting behaviour and never get frustrated.  All admirable characteristics and invaluable skills for learners.  Well done to all the children who got a Gold Star!


And finally…

I’d like to take the opportunity to wish you all a restful half term break.



Please check because new dates are being added below

  • Friday 24th May: Break for half term
  • Monday 3rd June: Back after half term break
  • Monday 3rd June – Friday14th June: Year 4 Multiplication Tables check
  • Friday 7th June: Reception trip to Godstone Farm.
  • Monday 10th June: Year 1 Phonics Screening Check week
  • Friday 14th June: Year 4 Camp Atwood
  • Thursday 20th June: Atwood Sports Day
  • Friday 21st June: Mufti Day – Bring a bottle for the FOAP Tombola
  • Saturday 22nd June: FOAP Summer Fair
  • Thursday 27th June: Year 5 Visit to the Tower of London
  • 2nd and 3rd July: Year 6 Production.
  • Thursday 4th July: Year 2 Broadstairs Trip
  • Friday 12th July: FOAP Disco for Years Reception to Year 5
  • Monday 15th July: Year 3 Trip to RHS Wisley
  • Thursday 18th July: Year 6 Leavers’ event
  • Friday 19th July: Last day of term

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Published on 24th May, 2024

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