Throughout last week, Atwood celebrated all things books and reading with a variety of activities. The week kicked off with some online workshops with authors before we had a live visit from the author Andrew Clover. He shared his love of stories in a whole school assembly before leading the children through a series of writing workshops. The children were encouraged to write and created a host of wonderful stories that were shared at another assembly at the end of the day. The author then signed and sold a selection of his popular Rory Branagan Detective books. The fun continued on Friday with children coming to school in a fantastic array of costumes. The children also had a chance to read with children from across the school in class sharing ‘book-nics’. It was lovely to see the children sharing their love of books.
The children had also been encouraged to show their love of books and their creativity by creating a ‘ Book in a box’ diorama. The standard of entries was incredible with such a wide range of much love books on display. Prizes were given out in assembly on Friday where we all got to admire each other’s costumes too. Well done to everyone who took part. The fun isn’t over just yet though because this week we have author and poet Josh Siegal coming to visit and work with the children again.
Many thanks to Ms Newton and Mrs Smith for organising all the activities and helping us to celebrate books in style.