This half term, the children in Atwood Reception classes have been looking at the topic, ‘Watch out! There’s monsters about!’ We have read lots of stories that have monstrous characters and have been developing our vocabulary to use adjectives to describe what they are like. We have used our recall skills to think about what the characters have done in the stories we have looked at and also our inference skills to describe the characters and explain why we think they are like that e.g. he is scary because he has terrible teeth and terrible claws and wants to eat the mouse.
This week we have turned our attention to using our expressive arts and design skills to create our own monsters. We practised using our listening and understanding skills to follow instructions on how to draw a monster. We then thought about making our own 3D monster using junk modelling. Firstly, we created a plan so we knew what we were to make. Next we collected our materials together and finally we created our amazing monsters. I think you will agree that the children have done an amazing job of using their expressive design skills!