14 March 2025

ATW Nursery News – The Teeny Weeny Tadpole

Story of the week:
This week in Nursery, we have been reading the story ‘The Tweeny, Weeny, Tadpole’ by Sheridan Cain. Monday began with the children entering Nursery to an abundance of croaky noises. They were quick to discover the noises belonged to frogs and could easily link our pond tuff tray to the noises playing. Observing the video shown during the carpet session, the children spotted many frogs jumping around the pond and onto lily pads. Luckily, at Atwood, we have a pond in the school’s sensory garden. We all took a visit, some children used magnifying glasses to see what we could find. Unfortunately, our pond showed no life of frogspawn and therefore no frogs, but we are hopeful one of our teachers will bring some soon! Throughout the week, frog crafts were made with concertina legs to resemble the bouncy legs of a frog. We drew frogs by following instructions and were amazed at how they turned out! We finished the week by exploring the term ‘non-fiction’, what this meant and where we could find non-fiction books. Some suggestions were; “At a teacher’s home?”, “In a book?”, “In Reception.” As a group, we discussed that some people go to read books in a quiet space. This jogged some memories of our talk about libraries in previous weeks. As the day went on, small groups went to the school’s library and looked around for the non-fiction books about tadpoles and frogs, learning some facts along the way too.
Next week, we move on to learning about bees

Outdoor learning:
Nursery children have started to enjoy taking part in the daily mile around our school field. Every day, the children have been encouraged to have a go, whether that be running or walking, breathing in fresh air and absorbing some vitamin D. Some of our children love to run and find it fun having races with each other. They have also thoroughly enjoyed spending time on the climbing frame situated in Reception, practising and learning new skills as well as perfecting their own gross motor skills including climbing.


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Published on 14th March, 2025

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