Our aim is to ensure that all children reach a high standard of literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the written word. We ensure that all pupils are able to use English confidently, appropriately and accurately to get the best results in all written tasks.
We encourage children to:
- write with confidence, fluency and understanding;
- have fluent and legible handwriting;
- be able to write in a range of genres including fiction, non-fiction and poetry;
- be able to structure texts correctly;
- plan, draft, revise and edit their own writing;
- develop their powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness by linking writing to familiar texts;
- write for real audiences and purposes;
- have opportunities to practise and apply the skills of transcription (spelling and handwriting) and composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in both speech and writing)T
- use group discussion in order to learn, rehearse and organise ideas for writing.
National Curriculum
The Trust follows the National Curriculum for English and teaching of writing is further supported through the use of the Pegasus ‘I can’ statements for writing.
Our children are taught writing through daily literacy lessons and cross curricular work. Writing is seen as equally important in all areas of the curriculum with every lesson a writing lesson.
During English lessons, children are provided with opportunities to immerse themselves in quality texts and learn the technical skills of writing (grammar, text structure and sentence structure and punctuation).
Pupils are also provided with regular opportunities to write at length. They complete tasks that have a clear audience and purpose. This develops the children’s understanding of writing for real purposes and develops an awareness of the needs of the audience.
Children are given regular opportunities to draft, discuss and edit and improve their writing. We want our children to develop into fully independent writers who have a passion for English and are able to use the various styles and conventions of writing.
Speaking and Listening
We believe that spoken language underpins the development of reading and writing. The National Curriculum for English reflects the importance of spoken language in pupils’ development across the whole curriculum. The quality and variety of language that pupils hear and speak are vital for developing childrens’ vocabulary and grammar. This then feeds into their understanding for reading and writing. As a Trust we ensure the continual development of pupils’ spoken English and stress the importance of talking and listening in every area of the curriculum. We model and encourage the use of standard English.
We encourage children to share ideas, put forward reasoned arguments, complete presentations to other pupils and listen to other peoples’ viewpoints. Pupils take part in class and group discussion and present in both class and assemblies. They also take part in school performances. Pupils always respond to each other thoughtfully. If English is not a child’s first language, extra support is provided by EAL support staff.
Curriculum Home
Details of all the National Curriculum subjects taught at Pegasus schools and curriculum Long Term Plans for each year group.
Phonics & Reading
We provide a reading rich environment where children have access to a range of quality texts.
Writing & handwriting
Our aim is to ensure that all children reach a high standard of literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the written word.
Spelling & Grammar
How we work with pupils from early years education through to Key Stages 1 and 2.
We follow the National Curriculum and The Early Years’ Foundation Stage Curriculum for mathematics and teach maths daily.
Religious Education
We develop positive attitudes and values such as self-esteem, a respect for others and their beliefs and an appreciation of the natural world.
Thematic Curriculum
History, geography, art and design technology (DT) are combined into themed work which is more meaningful to the children.
PE and swimming
Physical Education forms an essential part of the curriculum at The Pegasus Academy Trust.
MFL (Modern Foreign Languages
At Pegasus we have chosen to teach either French or Spanish (at KS1) as our Modern Foreign Languages