
At the Pegasus Academy Trust your child will be supported in their journey as a reader – from the earliest lessons in phonics through to independent reading and the appreciation of quality texts as an experienced reader.


At the Pegasus Academy Trust we recognise that the best way to ensure our children are engaged with books and motivated to read is to ensure the subject matter of the books that we use in our schools is tailored to be both aspirational and relevant for the children we teach.  With this as our intention in 2021 we undertook to completely review the books that we use in our schools with the aim of having a complete range of quality literature, from a diverse author base, available to all of our year groups.  As part of this work we also raised the number of curriculum sessions devoted to poetry and the performance of poetry in order to build vocabulary alongside speaking and listening skills.

We believe that all children should have the skills necessary to read fluently and with understanding. We want our chiuldren to develop the habit of reading widely and often and we think carefully about designing opportunities each day where they can do so.  In this way we believe that by the time they leave us to go to secondary school they will be well equipped to appreciate our rich, diverse and varied literary heritage and will have developed the habits of reading for both pleasure and information.

Click on the icon below for an example of texts used in Year 1 and the activities that are then undertaken.


Children within the Trust have daily access to focused reading activities which include:

  • structured synthetic phonics to teach reading skills throughout the primary age range – with attention given to those who are new to our schools and new to English;
  • decodable home reading books that match each pupil’s cumulative phonics knowledge are allocated by teachers.  Decodable e-books are also allocated to pupils for access at home and at school.
  • pupils at risk of not keeping up are quickly identified and supported – receiving ongoing phonics interventions, Lexia program support and small booster groups. Appropriately matched books are allocated to these pupils;
  • reading lessons in all classes are delivered with rigour, teaching the skills required to access and understand a wide range of age appropriate fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. In KS1 reading is taught in guided groups to enable the close matching of texts to pupils’ reading abilities. In KS2 reading is taught in a whole class approach with learning centred around a suitably challenging text;
  • weekly ‘We Love Reading’ lessons incorporate quality ‘book talk’ and the promotion of reading for pleasure. Pupils also have the opportunity to access school libraries and the our  ‘Book huts’ where a range of texts fiction, non-fiction and poetry are available for them to loan.
  • each class has a well-stocked book corner, with books regularly rotated and promoted via displays and recommendations. Pupils have daily access to browse, select and change reading books;
  • books read in class are linked to the writing subsequenly taught and children learn that writing varies depending on audience and purpose.  Pupils become knowledgeable about different literary styles, authors, poets and genres; they can express preferences and give opinions about different texts.
  • Pupils are exposed to a variety of genres as they move through the school and learn that writing varies depending on audience and purpose.  Pupils become knowledgeable about different literary styles, authors, poets and genres; they can express preferences and give opinions about different texts.
  • home reading is further supported through the use of home reading journals which parents and carers are encouraged to comment in.


The impact on our pupils of our bespoke approach to reading is clear: progress, sustained learning and transferrable skills enabling all pupils to gain cultural capital regardless of their starting point.  We hope that, as pupils move on from our school to further their education and learning, their creativity, passion for English and high aspirations travel with them and continue to grow and develop as they do.

First published on 31st May, 2017 and modified 26th June, 2024

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