12 July 2024
Atwood Football Tournament
On Monday, Atwood hosted a six team, seven a side football tournament for local schools.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
On Monday, Atwood hosted a six team, seven a side football tournament for local schools.
Thank you to everyone who supported Thursday’s Fundraising event. It was a huge success and lovely to see so many people attend.
This week, Year 6 put on two stunning performances of their end of year production ‘The Jungle Book’.
It has been a very hectic week as we try to squeeze in everything before the end of the term.
On 4th July, Year 2 had their seaside trip to Broadstairs beach.
We are rapidly running out of weeks in the school year but the children are still working hard and learning lots of interesting things.
We have had a bumper sporting week this week culminating on Thursday’s sports day.
Read on to find out what has been happening at Atwood this week.
It has been a very busy first week back in school.
This week we have been celebrating Science week in school leading to lots of interesting scientific discoveries.
On Tuesday, Green and Orange Class travelled by bus and tram to explore Morden Hall Park on a hunt for animals in their habitats.
As ever, we have been busy with our learning this week.
As the sun finally appeared in Sanderstead, it has been a busy week at school.
As ever, there has been lots going on in school this week.
It has been an exciting week with ducklings and cave men visiting us, children visiting the woods and pupils building the solar system.