12 March 2025
Atwood Sports Round Up.
It has been a busy time for Atwood pupils competing in sports competitions.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
It has been a busy time for Atwood pupils competing in sports competitions.
Year 2 had an exciting start to their week with their London trip.
Throughout last week, Atwood celebrated all things books and reading with a variety of activities.
The sun has finally come out and we are starting to see the first signs of spring around the school as the daffodils start to bloom.
The half term has gone by in a whirlwind and it is amazing to think that we are already half way through the school year.
It was lovely to see some Year One parents in school this morning sharing a book with the children.
On Wednesday, over 60 children from across the school gathered in the hall for our first ever collectors’ swap meet.
A much-abbreviated newsletter today as lots of parents visited the school and have been able to see what the children have been up to this week.
In Reception the children have been thinking about Chinese New Year.
This week Nursery has seen the return of Forest School. The children started by recapping the rules of Forest School and having time to explore the environment independently.
From making slime to building shadufs, there has been a lot going on at Atwood this week.
Happy New Year. It has been lovely to see all the children back in school after the break and we have launched straight back in to our learning.
After a busy final week, we have made it to the end of term.
Christmas has really taken off at Atwood this week. A slighter shorter newsletter this week as, amidst all the usual learning, everyone has either been performing or rehearsing for shows.
December has arrived and the school is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.