26 April 2024
CYPRESS: Going Green!
Monday 22nd April was Earth Day and the Eco -Squad had a very important message to share!
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Monday 22nd April was Earth Day and the Eco -Squad had a very important message to share!
This week we have been thinking about distilling – sifting through information and taking the most useful, ‘golden nuggets’ from information we are given.
At the Lower School this week, we have been focusing on the Pegasus Value ‘We are Proud’.
In Beech Class we have been embracing the Pegasus Value of We Care.
We have such an inspiring, exciting week! On Monday, we were visited by Karl Nova, poet, rapper and storyteller.
It has been a fun-packed day at Cypress Upper! It was so lovely to see so many parents at school today for our annual Cypress Upper Museum Day!
It has been a very busy week at Cypress with lots of Christmas performances and plenty of hard work taking place!
We are feeling festive at Cypress! The Christmas trees are up and the decorative Christmas hoops are on display in the hall.
We have been showing our resilience this week at Cypress. Winter is now here and the weather this week has been bitterly cold but we have still managed to enjoy the learning and have fun with our friends!
On Wednesday Year 6 were fortunate enough to visit Fairfield Halls to see the Whitgift autumn show.
Year 6 were lucky enough to have PC Rick Flynn and PC Martin Allen come in and discuss issues the children might face with their transition to Secondary School.
This morning at the Upper School, the House Captains delivered a very emotive and personal assembly.
Please see the photos below. Well done to our wonderful House and Vice Captains who led our assembly: Malaika, Joe, Lara, Amelia.
Big news from the Cypress Garden! One of our Cypress parents, Miranda Bradley, has been working tirelessly to obtain grants to help fund our garden and we have just found out we have been successfull in £1000!!
As part of their studies on places of worship the Year 3 children visited St John the Evangelist Church in Upper Norwood.