06 February 2024
Safer Internet Day 2024 at EPS
Today, Mr Francis delivered an informative assembly to help children develop their understanding of ways to stay safe online.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Today, Mr Francis delivered an informative assembly to help children develop their understanding of ways to stay safe online.
This week we enjoyed a lovely reading cafe in Key Stage 1.
On Tuesday 30th January, Key Stage 2 pupils at Ecclesbourne were treated to an motivational talk by James Ketchell.
On Monday, the Ecclesbourne choir performed at the Young Voices event at the O2 arena as part of ‘the largest school choir in concert the world’.
KS1 wowed packed audiences at their Nativity performances this year. Their performance of ‘It’s a Party’ was all-singing, all-dancing and the children had such a fabulous time showing their families what they have been working on.
Today our children took part in one of two workshops run by Rock Steady Music School.
We had a very festive Friday at Ecclesbourne today. Children enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch with all the trimmings and wowed us with their very best Christmas jumpers.
On Wednesday, our Year 6 children were invited to Fairfield Halls to watch the Whitgift autumn show.
Our aptly-named Year 1 classes – Shooting Stars and Astronauts – had a wonderful time learning about space at the Science Museum yesterday.
At Ecclesbourne today, we are kicking off our Friendship Week by celebrating Odd Socks Day in support of the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
On Friday 10th November, Ecclesbourne’s house captains were invited to represent our school at Whitehorse Manor Junior School’s Remembrance service.
Today we were delighted to welcome so many parents and carers to our first reading cafe at Little Ecclesbourne this year.
A huge thank you to all our families who were able to make such generous donations for our harvest appeal!
During 2023’s Black History Month, we are connecting with our inner historians to make links between our own diverse histories and those of prominent Black British figures.
Our Key Stage 1 classes enjoyed a morning of drama workshops today, letting their creativity flow as they role-played a range of characters from pirates to princesses.