26 April 2024
ATW Early Years news – Ducklings
This week in Reception, we have been extremely lucky to have five ducklings staying with us.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
This week in Reception, we have been extremely lucky to have five ducklings staying with us.
Reception came back to a very eventful first week of the summer term.
Nursery has had a lovely first week back. We have been learning all about travel, which has encouraged some great conversations about what sort of transport we’ve been on and where we have gone.
There has been a lot of Easter fun going on in the Early Years at Atwood.
It has been a busy week in Reception with lots of fun things going on.
This week, Reception have been reading the story Zog and the Flying Doctors by Julia Donaldson.
This week, Reception have been reading the story Zog and the Flying Doctors by Julia Donaldson.
The have been vegetables everywhere in the Early Years this week.
This week, in nursery we have continued to read “Willbee the Bumblebee” and have made lots of bumblebees with different media.
Wellbeing Ambassadors are back in Atwood after the break of not having ambassadors for the previous year.
In Reception this week, we have started our new topic “To the rescue!”
This week in the early years we have been learning all about the celebration of the Lunar New Year.
Tuesday 6th February was Safer Internet Day, which is a globally celebrated event to raise awareness of a better and safer internet for all,.
The children in the early years are well and truly settled and the progress they are making is a joy to see.
There has been a lot of creative and physical development occurring in the early years this week.