29 November 2024
ATW Wellbeing Ambassadors
Yesterday was the first meeting of this academic year for our newly appointed Wellbeing Ambassadors.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Yesterday was the first meeting of this academic year for our newly appointed Wellbeing Ambassadors.
This week in nursery, our learning of 2D shapes continued and we focused on Squares.
This week in Reception, we have been rather busy yet again.
A new half term comes with lots of educational learning both from within the classroom and out in our Forest School.
This week in Reception, we have been learning about so many different things.
This week in Reception, we have been busy finishing their first topic, ‘Marvellous Me!’.
This week in Nursery, we have been reading and singing the book ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’ by Anna McQuinn.
In Reception this week, the children have been learning about the seasons.
In Reception this week, we have been reading ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister.
In Reception, the children have had so much fun, learning and sharing about themselves.
What a lovely week we have had in Nursery. We have been looking at Jake’s first day, which has helped us to understand what will be happening when we start Reception in September.
It is the final week of Reception. The children enjoyed celebrating by reflecting on the many things they have done this year.
This week in Reception, the children have been learning all about bees.
Following on from last week, in Nursery we are still exploring the book ‘Commotion in the Ocean.’
This week in Reception, the children have learned about worms. They now know that worms belong to the classification of animals called invertebrates as they have no backbone.