07 March 2025
ATW Reception News – Supertato and World Book Week
It has been a busy week in Reception! We continued with the topic, ‘To The Rescue!’
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
It has been a busy week in Reception! We continued with the topic, ‘To The Rescue!’
Today, Reception had a visit from the Sanderstead Safer Neighbourhoods division of the Metropolitan Police Force.
This week in Reception, we were burgled! On Monday, the children returned from lunch to find the classroom in disarray.
Our Nursery started the week by sharing experiences and moments from our half term.
In Reception this week, we read the book, ‘Peepo’ by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.
For the past two weeks, Nursery has covered the traditional tale; ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears’.
It has been a fun week in Reception and the children have been busy working hard.
The last two weeks, nursery have been focusing on the book ‘The Gingerbread Man’ by Alan MacDonald and what fun we have had!
This week in Reception, all of the children turned into scientists!
The topic for this half-term in Reception is ‘Watch out—there’s a monster about!’
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas is the theme in Nursery this week. We have been very busy practising our Christmas songs ahead of our classroom performance on Monday 16th December as well as making some props for display.
This week in Reception, the children learned about the Nativity. They discovered that people who follow the Christian religion celebrate Christmas because of the birth of Jesus Christ.
The children in Nursery have continued their learning about colours with its link to the story ‘Mouse Paint’ by Ellen Stoll Walsh.
This week in Reception, the children have been busy exploring our amazing world.
It’s that time of year again when sleigh bells can be heard just around the corner.