21 October 2022
Beulah – Spring Term Star Writers!
Every half term, we celebrate special achievements in writing across the school from our early mark making in the nursery to our accomplished writing in year 2.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Every half term, we celebrate special achievements in writing across the school from our early mark making in the nursery to our accomplished writing in year 2.
Year one had a brilliant start to their last week of this half term!
This half term, all year groups have invited parents/carers in each year group to their Curriculum Meeting.
It was lovely to see so many parents and carers joining in with our Harvest Festival celebration assembly today.
Well done to all of the children that stood for election for a place in the School Council.
A big thank you to everyone who donated cakes and money to our Macmillan Coffee morning.
Our children and staff work very hard planting and taking care of the plants as they grow in all of our outside areas.
All of our children had great fun on their sports days and the sun shone brightly, making it a perfect week!
During our science week, the children have had a fantastic time working as scientists, developing their scientific vocabulary and carrying out exciting experiments.
Beulah Infant and Nursery School are actively committed to improving our local environment and the health and safety of our children.
We were very excited to have one of our parents come into school to read a familiar story to our children in her home language.
Walk to School Week was a great success at Beulah! The School Council carried out a survey before the week and 69% of our children walked, scooted or rode their bikes into school.
Last week, the children at Beulah were very busy making crowns and flags for our Jubilee celebrations on Thursday.
Thanks to our first delivery from the Felix project we were able to set up our first market stall providing our families with fresh, nutritious foods.
Last week, Beulah children had an explosive visit from the Royal Institute!