Writing & Handwriting
Our structured approach to handwriting means that children steadily acquire the techniques needed for beautiful written presentation.
Curriculum Home
Details of all the National Curriculum subjects taught at Pegasus schools and curriculum Long Term Plans for each year group.
Phonics & Reading
We provide a reading rich environment where children have access to a range of quality texts.
Spelling & Grammar
How we work with pupils from early years education through to Key Stages 1 and 2.
We follow the National Curriculum and The Early Years’ Foundation Stage Curriculum for mathematics and teach maths daily.
Religious Education
We develop positive attitudes and values such as self-esteem, a respect for others and their beliefs and an appreciation of the natural world.
Thematic Curriculum
History, geography, art and design technology (DT) are combined into themed work which is more meaningful to the children.
PE and swimming
Physical Education forms an essential part of the curriculum at The Pegasus Academy Trust.
MFL (Modern Foreign Languages
At Pegasus we have chosen to teach either French or Spanish (at KS1) as our Modern Foreign Languages