21 March 2025

ATW Nursery – Bumblebees and Fun in Forest School

Our initial sound in phonics this week has been ‘r’. Whilst playing the game ‘What’s in the box?’, the children could identify the words; rainbow, rocket, rice, and rabbit all beginning with the initial sound. We later moved on to ‘blend from the box’ and although this was a little more tricky, with support, we looked at blending phonemes to make the words; red, rat, road, and ring. The children were asked to find objects around the nursery environment to add to our phonics table beginning with the same initial sound. The tray has ended up very ‘red’!

We started to read the story ‘Willbee the Bumblebee’ written by Craig Smith & Maureen Thomson. Adding subtle hints before the book, on Wednesday the nursery children arrived to see Nursery had yellow and black wool all around the classroom. But who did it? One child shared “I think it’s a spider web” whereas another child shared, “I think it’s a trap!” After our discussions, we worked out that if we were to follow the wool, perhaps it would lead us to the answer. Therefore, the children all followed the wool around the classroom, into the toilets and the book corner where they found our new book alongside a cuddly Bumble Bee. Reading the story, we added actions to nouns and buzzed around the room like buzzy bees. Toward the end of the week, we held a class discussion about our experiences of seeing a bumble bee, butterfly, or spider (Characters in our book). Here are the experiences shared:
“I saw three bumblebees by the car”, “I saw a bumblebee in the grass in Reception”, “I saw a butterfly outside at Nursery”, “The butterfly was like Sonic fast”, “I saw a spider in my garden, making webs on my trampoline” and “I have spiders in my house!”.

This week has seen us look at the numeral 4. Our carpet sessions have involved the children finding 4 objects around the room. The children are asked on a daily, “How do we know there are 4?” and the everyone replies “We count them!”. This moved onto us identifying representations of the number 4 and recapping our number 4 song, “4 sausages in a pan”.

Enhanced provision:
In Forest School this week, we created our stick bees! Finding a stick and using yellow and black wool, the children were encouraged to weave and wind the wool around the stick to create a pattern representing a bumble bee. The children then used these during their Forest School session and are now within the classroom, flying high beside our new art display board.
Spring has sprung and it has continued to shine for us to use the outdoor environments. The school field has become a favourite place to run and play games in, including football games, parachutes, and tunnels.

Child’s voice: ‘This week I have enjoyed’
“Learning about buzzy bees” – O.R

Next week:
We continue with our story Willbee the Bumblebee and look at the importance of bumble bees and why their job is so vital for nature.

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Published on 21st March, 2025

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